How Your Family Feels About Them

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-Kurapika positively hates him after what happened with Killua and the Hunter Exam and he makes this very apparent every time Illumi drops in to check up on Killua and you're with him.

-Boi just glares. A real emotionless face glare but one look at his Scarlet Eyes and Zeno himself would be running for the hills.

-Illumi just looks back and then looks at you with a face that says 'What is he even doing?' you just shake your head not wanting to explain it. "Pika calm your passive aggressive ass down."

- Every time he manages to get you alone and tries to tell you why Illumi is terrible. "Pika you travel with Killua when you aren't to busy hunting down Chrollo and them. He's a Zoldyck as well in case you forgot."

-Yeah big mistake Pika immediately went Scarlet Eyes Mode and you had to use yours back to calm his ass down. "How do you know the people in the Phantom Troupe?" "Eh Hisoka was part of it remember he would go on missions and then when he came to the Zoldyck Estate one of them was always tailing him trying to figure out what the fuck he was doing."

- Long story short: Kurapika still hates Illumi and Illumi couldn't care less he just checks up on Killua gives him some chocolate robots with money stuffed in them and leaves.


- Come on now this is an obvious one. Illumi tolerates Hisoka to an extent but Hisoka does anything that is even remotely PDA-ish he's dead. Impaled by a large needle.

- Kikyo and Silva really don't care as long as you get your jobs done well and don't get caught.

-Oh man Kalluto positively loathes Hisoka. Hisoka is always at the main mansion which is where Kikyo always is so he sees him all the time. Everytime Hisoka sees him he ruffles his hair or something equally annoying.

-Calls Kalluto 'Imouto'... Kalluto immediately comes running to you asking permission to put a few more holes in Hisoka. "Kalluto honey what is it now?" "He called me Imouto. I'm gonna kill him." You can't stifle your laughter but know that Hisoka needs to leave him alone before something happens. "Hiso leave Kallu alone he hasn't done anything to you. It would be unfortunate if I tied you up and left you in the basement with him wouldn't it?"

- Milluki couldn't care less, you never interact with each other anyway so he never really meets Hisoka.

- Both Alluka and Nanika have kindly informed Hisoka that if he does ANYTHING to upset you they will rip him to pieces no problem.

-Killua hates Hisoka and you let it be knowing how stubborn he is. Hisoka is secretly Killua's choco robot dealer and that is the only reason that Killua hasn't given Illumi a contract to kill Hisoka yet.


-Obviously Hisoka is okay with it considering how much he wants to fight Chrollo.

- Nothing much happens but it gets really hilarious on the holidays when Hisoka just shows up at the front door looking like he usually does but holding a Santa style sack. One time there was just a dead body in there nothing else.

-On the other hand Chrollo is routinely pissed off by Hisoka and you just let them scream at each other until they're hoarse because you think its funny and they don't even notice you're gone until they're done screaming.

-Feitan is at your house a lot of the time or just travels with you and Chrollo this causes a even more entertaining show when Hisoka drops in unannounced.

- In conclusion no one really likes Hisoka at all but they tolerate him because of you and watching Feitan cuss Hisoka out while inadvertently switching between his native language and Japanese is just too funny.


-Chrollo already loves Feitan like a brother so it's alright there's no arguments or anything until Feitan snatches one of Chrollo's books.

-Here's the thing. Chrollo pisses of Feitan sometimes without even trying. Or Fei is just bored either way it ends with Chrollo getting pickpocketed of everything that he has on him.

-Mofo doesn't even notice because he trusts Feitan to not pull some stupid shit so he'll get halfway across the country before he realizes that he has nothing on him. Not even his Nen book.

-The door is kicked in at two in the morning and you don't even get up. You reach over and pinch Feitan's nose until he wakes up. "What? I trying to sleep." "Chrollo the Rollo just knocked our door in again." "What you want Danchou?!" He yells this without even getting out of bed trying to play innocent even though this has happened more times than you can count.

- "I want all my stuff back you small turd! I know it was you!" Chrollo yells busting into the room not caring that you're hardly wearing anything presentable because you're his sister. "I know nothing." Feitan replies.

- "Fei give him his stuff back because I actually want to sleep today." "Hmph." Feitan gives it back in the end and Chrollo never learns because this happens practically every time he's at your house or just sees you in general and Feitan is with you.

Hunter x Hunter Adult Trio + Feitan Boyfriend ScenariosWhere stories live. Discover now