What He Does That Annoys You

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- When his parents stress him out he insists that he goes home to ensure that his siblings are alright. Obviously that in itself isn't what annoys you it's the fact that he forgets that the only sibling he has at home is Milluki, who was and still is in charge of punishing both Illumi AND his siblings.

- Hisoka is at your shared apartment all the time and he is always lusting over both Gon and Killua whenever Illumi is not around which proceeds to piss you off, always.

-He goes out and gets drunk with the rest of the Adult Trio or the Phantom Troupe and brings them home when they're all drunk off their asses.

- "I need to go home and check-" "Milluki is the only sibling home because Alluka is with Kill right now."

- "I thought we agreed to not bring them home? Nevermind just don't bring Hisoka home, Kalluto come with me." "Sorryyy Y/n~"


- He exists-

- The constant lusting over Gon and whatever strong children and adults he manages to find and get a boner over.

- You obviously don't have a problem with Illumi but it annoys you how touchy Hisoka is with him and it seems like it makes Illumi uncomfortable as well.

-He sleeps naked and tries to make you as well

-He leaves all the doors and windows open when he showers and you see all the female neighbors looking out their own windows.

- He uses almost all the hot water in the mornings when he showers or dyes his hair.

-He never cleans up after his Bungee Cu-Gum wrappers and whatever containers he eats out of in the mornings.

-His cards, clothes, and other junk are always left on the floor for you to pick up.

- "Hisoka your candy wrappers are all over the floor again!"

- "If you leave that door open one more time-" "The neighbors like to have their looksies now and then Darling."


-Sometimes he'll disappear for a few days on a 'mission' then Feitan brings him home a few days later than he was supposed to be back, drunk off his ass so he's hungover and grumpy for the next few days because you're ignoring him.

-He either doesn't pay any attention to you at all or he's so clingy that it's annoying.

-Literally doesn't realize after so many hints that Hisoka is your baby brother.

-Thinks he can order you around like the rest of the troupe when you are together not at a troupe meeting.

-Takes your clothes and acts innocent so he can buy you new ones.

-Ends up destroying your stuff all the time with his Nen when the troupe makes him mad.

-"Why is Hisoka always in our apartment Y/n?" "I'm not sure maybe its because he's my bro-" "Sorry love I'm going to go exterminate the current fly that is buzzing around our living room building card castles." "Babe no-"

-"Chrollo love, where's my hoodie? :)" "I'm not sure do you want me to buy you another one?" "Why can I see it sticking out of your dresser then?"


-Whenever any of his coats or masks get covered in blood or whatever other crap gets on his clothes while during the troupe's dirty work he just peels his clothes off and leaves them on the floor.

-Chrollo is constantly in your guys's apartment to sleep, take showers, or whatever. You don't have an issue with your brother obviously but Hisoka is always with him.

-He is always either ignoring Kalluto or teaching him every cuss word or rude word known to man.

-When the other troupe members take his masks he takes your shirts and cuts them up to make more.

- "Phinks shut the hell up you gaudy fuck." "Kalluto honey who taught you that particular sentence?" "Oh Feitan-San." "I see, don't use those words until you're older okay?" "Okay I guess."


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