Red Skull? Alive? Apparently, Steve is not a fossil anymore. What Jurassic Park is going on here?

" No one is actually dead here?Just old?How? "

" Red Skull told me they sometimes use cryostasis chambers to keep the best soldiers for better times. "

Intresting. So this is how the Red Skull is alive and so, is the Winter Soldier. They kept him to fight more important battles, harder ones.That's a genial move.

" You are-"

" Ja. (Yes.) "

" Why? What makes you special? "

" Natasha! That's rude! "

" Like when you hit me with a teaser! Look. I see that somehow, you added Alpinespinne to our team. I want to know with who I'm working with." I get up from the floor and throw the cuffs. I massage my wrist. They were too tight.

" Yelena? Do you like your cuffs? "i ask.

" Wait, we don't make a plan? "

" Didn't you said we will improvise? " Umbelieveable! I had to work with her?

" I was joking! You thought i was serious? Sure, let's improvise when we are surrounded! "

" You missed for 4 months and thought Hydra won't observe! "

" Ladies, let's not fight and make a plan. "Anastasiya says.

"Yelena, do you know the exit ways?"

"Do we leave?"

"No, we stay for tea!" i think i miss Tony.

"I mean, we are exactly were we have to be. Remember project <<Schlange>>? The files are in this building. And you are part of it. I'm sure they have better information than the Bolshoi. All the Bolshoi knew was that we were ballerinas.It's perfect that Hydra captured us! "

" Yay! "I say sarcastically. I had enough of this.I will leave without them and... end of the story. Red Room took a lot from me. What's the problem if it takes one more? I am in advantage anyway. Now i know Hydra exists.I will tell SHIELD ..and we will capture them...and we will take their files... and i will find out the answers to all my questions.

Then why do i feel like, if i do this, i will lose?

Always trust your instincts.

Hydra stayed hidden for so long, meaning their are good. I can just tell SHIELD i found them and Hydra would be defeated That would be too simple.

What do I do now? Leave,tell SHIELD? No, Hydra will disappear again. Stay, survive,infiltrate, find out the secrets? No. That would mean working with Yelena.That would be not being home for a while. That would mean... possibly not coming back home alive. No! Peter needs me! He already lost so much, he can lose his new family. I promised May he will be safe with me! I promised... he will be safe and.. and Peter would be safer in a world without Hydra.

"Natasha, are you alright? You have been looking at the wall for 5 minutes?" Yelena shakes a hand in front of my face.

"Stop it! Glad you escaped from the" Don't throw up, don't throw up,don't throw up.

"Wait -did you just called me partener?" Yelena said socked.


"Ok, so this is the plan. We escape from here. Ana can be the distraction. I know the files are in the west part of the building,in the last room on the left. We can use the-"

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