Untold Power

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Event: Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima

Location: Hiroshima, Empire of Japan

Date: August 6, 1945

New Mexico was nervous. It was happening. The weapon created and tested in her state would finally be used. She was sitting in a plane with the people meant to observe the blast, waiting anxiously for the moment to arrive.

The deadliest weapon humanity has ever seen was about to be used. Why did everything have to come to this? Why couldn't Japan see that this war was hopeless and spare the lives of her people?

Not that there was much she could do. Little Boy was going to be dropped on the city of Hiroshima very soon.

New Mexico had seen what the first bomb at the Trinity Test had done. What was this one going to do to this city?

She wished it didn't have to come to this, that more civilians didn't have to be caught in the crossfire. But still, this was to save her people's lives and the lives of the Americans fighting this war.

Each island they took was taken with a high price in American lives. They were so bloody and went on for so long. As soon as their invasion troops landed, the Japanese were planning on executing all American prisoners. It would be the deadliest battle they've fought so far.

This was the best way. People would die, but more of their people would live. Japan would surrender, and the war would finally be over. They wouldn't have to fight costly battles for the main Japanese islands. However, if Japan refused to surrender even after these bombs were dropped, Operation Downfall would commence.

At least, that was the justification that New Mexico was using. Truth be told, she knew many men in the military thought this was a drastic action, that it was unnecessary. New Mexico didn't know her stance. She knew part of this was happening as an intimidation attempt against the USSR to get him to back down, but...she didn't know how she felt.

"Miss, the bomb is about to be dropped," one of the men on the plane said. New Mexico nodded, looking out the plane's window at the Enola Gay, the plane carrying the bomb, before looking down at the city. The city had been picked because it contained the headquarters of the Japanese army defending the island of Kyushu and war industries.

Nex Mexico exhaled. They were really doing this. They would fulfill Papa, Britain, and China's promise at Potsdam: unconditional surrender or prompt and utter destruction.

Japan had not surrendered, so it was time to tell them exactly how serious they were about destroying her.

It was 8:15 am, and Enola Gay dropped one of the deadliest weapons humanity had ever created. Instantly, the plane jumped a decent amount of feet due to the sudden loss of weight as the bomb was released.

Enola Gay quickly turned around, trying to get out of the blast zone, as they weren't sure if the plane would survive the shockwaves from the explosion.

The bomb exploded in a brilliant flash of light, and shockwaves began shaking the plane so violently, in fact, that New Mexico feared that they might be knocked out of the sky. She turned her head back towards Hiroshima, having looked away when the shockwaves hit the plane.

A giant purple mushroom cloud surrounded the city. Fires and smoke were on the ground. New Mexico couldn't see the city. But then again, who even knew if it was left?

Hiroshima was the first city to experience an atomic bombing.

And if Japan didn't surrender, it wouldn't be the last.


Event: Soviet Declares War on Japan

Location: The Far East, Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

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