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Hello everyone.

Sorry I'm just here to say that this book is up for adoption. I can't continue this story at all. Please if you want to continue the first two chapters I've written be my guest cause I can't think of making another chapter with regards to this one. Sorry for inconvenience...

To adopt this book, you could just DM me or... Just fucking comment below I do this fucking mind. Yes I'm in a foul mood. My teacher, they aren't making anything okay.

First come first serve. I'll only take the first to comment "Hi there! May I adopt this book?" Or anything in the middle of those lines. The others will be ignored.

And yes, I don't even fucking care - if you want to change the whole course of the book, be my guest. I'm fucking done with this book.

Sorry for the inconvenience caused, once again.

Jaa ne.


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