Chapter 7

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Atta:That's it? But there's got to be more food on the island!
Thorny:If we give up any more, we'll starve.
Atta:Hopper won't accept this!
Atta:Mother, it's not enough.What do we do?
Queen:I... I don't know.
HOPPER: You little termites! I give you a second chance,and this is all I get?
Atta:But, Hopper, we ran out of time!
Hopper:Have you been playing all summer? You think this is a game?
Atta:No, no, please!
Hopper:Well, guess what?You just lost.
Hopper:Not one ant sleeps until we get every slumps of food on this island!
Molt:Just do what he says. You don't want to make him mad. Believe me!
Hopper:No, no, no.You're staying with me, Your Highness.
Grasshopper#1:Where do you think you're going?
Grasshopper#2:Get over there!
[Dot and the Blueberries watch from a distance as the grasshoppers moved into the anthill
Dot:Quick! To the clubhouse.
(GASPS) Dot:Hurry!
Grasshopper#1:Shut up a minute, will you? I think I heard something over here.
Have you checked over there?
-No, not yet.
-Well then, get over there and check it out!
-Wait a minute.
-Hey, I think I found something.
-Cool. Hey, how do I look?
-Like an idiot.
-I don't know, maybe it'll keep me dry in the rain.
Grasshopper#2:You moron, we'll be out of here before it rains.Didn't you hear Hopper?After the ants pick all the food,he's gonna squish the queen to remind them who's boss.Then she's dead. They cry, boo-hoo.We go home. End of story.
Grasshopper#1:Oh, cool. I love our job.
Dot:Stay here. I'm gonna get help.
Dot:Come on, wings, fly. Fly!
[As Dot was flying she suddenly ran into Tinker Bell and her friends]
Dot:(gasp) Tinker Bell! You guys!
Vidia:You didn't really think we'd just leave you guys forever did you?
Dot:Of course I did.
Tinker Bell:Well we're not! Come on, let's go find Flik and the circus bugs.
[cut to the circus bugs]
P.T. FLEA:I'm gonna be rich, rich, rich I'm gonna be rich, rich, rich I'm gonna be the richest flea in the land The streets'll be paved with golden retrievers I'm rich, rich, rich That's who I am...
Slim:Poor fellow.
Francis:Hey, maybe we can cheer him up a bit.
Heimlich:Don't worry, Flik.The circus life isn't so bad.
Slim:Yes, you can be part of our act.
Francis:Here! Like this.
Slim:Slapstick! Get it? I... I'm a walking stick. Oh, never mind.
DOT: Flik!
Tinker Bell:Flik!
Flik:Dot? Tinker Bell? Girls?
Dot:Flik, wait! Wait!
Flik:Dot, you're flying! What are you girls doing here?
Dot:(PANTING) You have to go back.Hopper moved into the anthill,and his gang's eating everything!
Heimlich:Oh, no!
Manny:Good heavens!
Dot:And I heard a grasshopper say that when they're finished,Hopper's gonna squish my mom!
Heimlich:Oh, not the queen!
Rosie:We got to do something!
SLIM: How?
ROSIE: Come on, you guys, think!
Gypsy:I know. The bird.
Manny:Yes, of course.
Slim:The bird! That's brilliant.
FLIK: The bird won't work.
Francis:What are you talking about? It was your idea.
Dot:But you said that everything...
Flik:Forget everything I ever told you.All right, Dot? Let's face it. The colony is right.I just make things worse.That bird is a guaranteed failure.(SIGHS) Just like me.
Manny:You listen to me, my boy.I've made a living out of being a failure.And you, sir, are not a failure!
Tinker Bell:That's right! You shouldn't feel bad about yourself Flik. We've watched you do so many good things.
Rosie:That's right, you have.
Flik:Oh, yeah?Okay, show me one thing I've done right.
All:Yeah, yeah.
Manny:Dim is right, my boy.You have rekindled
the long-dormant embers of purpose in our lives.
Slim:And if it wasn't for you,Francis would have never gotten in touch with his feminine side.
Francis:Oh yeah? Well...(CHUCKLES) You know what? He's right.
Gypsy:Lieutenant Gypsy reporting for duty.
Francis:Kid, say the word,and we'll follow you into battle.
Manny:We believe in you, my boy.
Dot:Flik, please?
[Dot flies off to pick up a small rock]
Pretend it's a seed, okay?
Flik:Thanks, Dot.
Rosetta:That's just precious!
Francis:Hey, what's with the rock?
Slim:Must be an ant thing.
Flik:All right, let's do it.
Gyps:That's the Flik we know and love.
Manny:We're on!
Rosie:So, what do we do first?
P.T.:Bugs will pay big bucks to see A bonfire that is starring me
Francis:P.T., look. Money!
P.T.:Where? Where? (SCREAMS)

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