Chapter 1

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(On a sunny summer afternoon, a leaf falls to a small puddle of an almost dried up lake. On the island surrounded by the desert lake itself, some ants are climbing up the big vines and trees, plucking as much food as they can. Down below, some ants line up as they each grab a piece of food, though one is hit by some big grapes)
Ant #1: [gasps]
(As they begin heading away, forming a line, though the one stuck in grapes has a hard time keeping up, the ones ahead are placing some food on a huge pile while ants of all kinds are busy within the small town itself. At that moment, however, a big leaf from the biggest tree begins to fall downward before one gasps, noticing it heading downward)
Ant #1: No, no, no. Oh, no. Oh, no.
(Then, it lands in front of him, making him panic)
Ant #1: I'm lost! Where's the line?
(Just then, the others bump to one another as they stop as well, looking concerned)
Ant #1: It just went away. What do I do?
Ant #2: Help!
Ant #3: (panics) We'll be stuck here forever!
(At that moment, a female ant named Mr. Soil and an female ant named Dr. Flora run up to them)
Mr. Soil: Do not panic, do not panic. We are trained professionals. Now, stay calm. We are going around the leaf.
Ant #1: A-Around the leaf? I-I don't think we can do that.
Mr. Soil: Oh, nonsense. This is nothing compared to the twig of '93.
Ant #1: [whimpering]
Mr. Soil: That it. That's it. Good. You're doing great! There ya go. There ya go! Watch my eyes. Don't look away. And here's the line again.
Ant #1: Thank you. Thank you, Mr. Soil.
Mr. Soil: [laughing] Good job, everybody!
Dr. Flora: Oh, my. There's quite a gap, Mr. Soil. Shouldn't we tell the queen?
Mr. Soil: I don't think we need to involve the queen in this. She's got enough on her plate already, training her daughter.
Dr. Flora: Oh, yes. Princess Atta, the poor dear.
Princess Atta: Oh, wings died down. They'll be here soon.
The Queen: Just be confident, dear. You'll be fine.
Princess Atta: [gasps] There's a gap. There's a gap in the line. What are we gonna do?
Thorny: It's okay, Your Highness. Gaps happen. We just lost a few inches, that's all.
Princess Atta: Oh. Right.
Thorny: Your Highness, I can't count when you hover on like that.
Princess Atta: Oh, of course. I'm sorry. Go ahead.
The Queen: Guys, go sharde someone else for a while.
[pet chirps]
The Queen: OK, Atta. Now what do we do?
Princess Atta: Ahh-- Oh! Don't tell me. I know it. I know it. What is it?
The Queen: We relax.
Princess Atta: [chuckles] Right.
The Queen: Oh, it'll be fine. It's the same, year after year. They come, they eat, they leaf. That's our lot in life. It's not a lot, but it's our life. [laughs]
Princess Atta: [chuckles]
The Queen: Isn't that right, Aphie? Oh, you're such a cute little Aphid.
Harry: Ditch Dot! Yeah, yeah!
Dot: Hey, come back here! [strains, grunts]
The Queen: Dot!
Dot: Yes, Mother.
The Queen: What did I tell you about trying to fly?
Dot: Not until my wings grow in.
The Queen: Right.
Dot: But Mom--
Princess Atta: Dot, you're a young queen ant and your wings are too little--
Dot: I was talking to mother. You're not the queen yet, Atta.
The Queen: Now, Dot. Be nice to your sister.
Dot: It's not my fault she's so stressed out.
Princess Atta: [sighs] I know. I know. I'm always acting like the sky is falling.
Mr. Soil: Look out!
The Queen: Atta!
Thorny: Princess Atta!
Princess Atta: Oh!
Dr. Flora: Hey! Stop that!
Thorny: What do you think you're doin'?
Dr. Flora You could've killed somebody over here!
Flik: [gasps] I'm sorry!
Thorny: Oh, it's Flik.
Elderly Ant: Oh--
Flik: I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm, sorry, I'm sorry! Please forgive me. I'm sorry!
Princess Atta: [coughing]
Flik: [screams] Princess Atta!
Princess Atta: Flik, what are you doin'?
Flik: Oh, this! This is new my idea for harvestin' you grain. No more pickin' individual kernels. You cut down the entire stalk!
Princess Atta: Flik, we don't have time for this.
Flik: Exactly! We'd never have time to collect food for ourselves. 'Cause we spend all summer harvesting for the offering. But my invention will speed up production.
Princess Atta: Oh, another invention?
Flik: Yeah, I got somethin' for you too.
Princess Atta: Flik--
Flik: Since you're gonna be queen, you could use this to oversee production. Dr. Flora, if I may.
Dr. Flora: Oh!
Princess Atta: This is all very idea, but--
Thorny: What?!
Flik: Just an ordinary blade of grass and a bead of dew, right?
Princess Atta: Flik, please.
Flik: Wrong! It is, in fact, a telescope!
[both laugh]
Princess Atta: It's very clever, Flik, but--
Flik: Hello, Princess! Aren't you lookin' lovely this morning! Not that you would need a telescope to see that.
Thorny: All right, listen! The princess doesn't have for this! You wanna help fill this thing? Then, get rid of that machine, get back in line and pick grain like everybody else.
Elderly Ant: Like everybody else!
Princess Atta: Please, Flik. Just go.
Flik: I'm sorry, I was really just tryin'-- tryin' to help.
Elderly Ant: Harvester. Why, we harvested the same way since I was a pupa.
Princess Atta: [sighs] Where were we?
Mr. Soil: The food pile, Your Highness.
Princess Atta: Oh, yes, yes.

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