Chapter Four: Part One

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"Oh no, I'm really sorry Selena, I hadn't seen Quilla since Tuesday" said Mrs Johannes "Oh alright thank you". "Didn't you see Quilla pass here by any chance? She only left the house in the morning and I haven't seen her since, and her phone goes straight to voicemail...I'm really worried Janna" cried Mom, gathering up all her strength to continue searching for her daughter. "Good evening Mr Hernandez, did Quilla pass by any chance around your neighborhood? She hasn't come back home and I'm really starting to get really worried" "No I'm really sorry Mrs Hu-...I mean Ms Aurelia maybe she's by her friends' house" said Mr Hernandez, "I already checked there but they all said they haven't seen her since yesterday...I don't know what to do" she bit her tongue, "I think you should call the police, maybe they'll know what to do, goodbye" and he closed the door.

"Oh hi Leslie, is Samara home? It's about Quilla, I can't find her anywhere" "Oh dear, Samara! Come downstairs honey!" said Samara's dad "Okay I'm coming down! What is it...DAD! you're disturbing my evening spa treatme-...oh it's Quilla's mom, great to see you Ms A" she smiled, pretending of course. "Hello Samara, do you know where Quilla is? I can't find her anywhere" she then cried, "Huh? I saw Quilla this morning with Travis they were at the park eating mini-burgers...but, I could take you Travis's house he probably knows where she went" "Oh thank you so much" she cried "Lemme grab my jacket" said Samara, rushing upstairs to actually put on her makeup and expensive black fur coat.


"Wait, whattya mean you don't know where she is?" asked Samara, "Honestly, I was last with her this MORNING, we had some mini-burgers then she went to her cousin after he called her and I went to work, I then came back, jumped in the shower and played my videogames" said the worried Travis "Let me try calling her". His phone rang and rang until it switched to voicemail, "Damn! Where are you Quilla!" he then covered his face. Mom started to cry then Samara said, " Let's go check River's house, that's where Travis said he last saw her go".

"River! Open up man it's cold out here" said Travis, rubbing his hands together for warmth, then an old crusty looking man with brown and grey hair opened the door, looking down at my mother and her youthful two "David. Great to see you may we come in?" she moved her hand toward the man as to gesture a handshake " I wish I could say the same Selena" he looked at her with frosty eyes " Well Mr Huntson, may we come in?" asked Travis " Yeah come on right in" yelled a distant but close voice from within the house, it was River.

His father, David Huntson was my dad's brother, and he had been sour to my mom ever since she divorced his brother for multiple reasons. "Hey guys, Good evening Ms Aurelia" smiled River before he soon realized that something was wrong as he was struck by their macabre energies, " everything okay?" he asked, then mom started to cry again. "We don't know where Quilla is" said Travis holding Mom's trembling hands. " I don't get it, she's not at her house?" he asked. "No we looked for her everywhere but no one has seen her" said Samara, "But I was with her this morning, because I knew she wasn't attending any classes, so we spent the day talking and-"  then Mom's phone rang...

"Hello? Who is this!?" "Hi Quilla's mom, it's Lucy", " Oh hi Lucy, I came to your house an hour ago looking for Quilla but your mom said you were still out" she said " Yes she told me, I last saw Quilla walking with Travis when the sun set, I was with my friends by Lily's Flower Shop, and that's when I saw Quilla walking down the road with Travis" she said "What!? But I'm with Travis right now, he said he was with her this morning at the park!" " Whoa Quilla's mom, Travis is lying, we all saw them walking together not so long ago" she said, "Ok thank you Lucy" then she didn't hang up the phone, "Travis, Lucy said you were with Quilla when the sun was setting so can you please tell me where my daughter is BEFORE I LOSE MY MIND!!" she cried.

"WHAT!? Ms Aurelia I would never do anything to hurt your daughter, she is the sweetest and most loving person I've ever met. I'm telling the truth when I said I was last with her this morning, maybe Lucy saw somebody who looked like me walking with her, but I promise Ms Aurelia, we will find her" he said, trying to stop a tear from coming out of his eye. "Travis! Here's Lucy" Mom gave Travis her phone and put it on loudspeaker for everyone to hear.

"Lucy I-" he said, "Travis I didn't know you were such a terrible liar, why don't you tell Quilla's mom that you were last with her this EVENING huh!? And then everyone could go back home because you're really not being fair making a mom walk around town at night looking for her daughter when she clearly is with YOU!" she yelled, "I DON'T KNOW WHERE QUILLA IS! I asked her out this morning to come to a concert with me tomorrow then we ate some burgers, and she got a call from River then she went to him, I went back home to prepare my work outfit and I made my way out, I arrived at work then after my shift I came back straight to my house, showered then played my videogames, after two to three hours, Quilla's mom and Samara came to my door! I don't know where Quilla is!" he sat down.

" I think we should call the police" said Lucy, "Because I SAW YOU, you were wearing a black jersey, some black jeans, your black and white J's and a ArtSmart's name tag that's written, Trav, in BOLD ITALICS" " But that's what I wear everytime I go to work! And my tag's not written in bold, it's in Century Gothic" he said, "Whatever Travis, what did you do with Quilla!!?" she yelled. Mom was crying and Samara, in disbelief looked at Travis, then River said, "WAIT!! I think Travis is telling the truth" " Oh my god! You're on his side too River!? I didn't know you chose random guys over your family" cried Lucy, "No, Lucy, I think you did see Travis, but WASN'T Travis"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2021 ⏰

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