Runaway Human

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Natalie stood under a beautiful waterfall, enjoying the cool water as I stood in the middle of the lake.
Trees surrounded us full of noisy birds and the sun hung overhead, providing us with a great warmth.

I looked up at the water above me, drops hung in the air floating. I had my hands held out controlling the droplets and my hair moved as if I was under water. The water that remained was waist high and coolness of the water contrasted against the warm air.

"You are getting quite good at that" Natalie complemented me. I lost focus and the water crashed down. I managed to dive under the remaining water I was standing in to avoid the water above. Smart, I know.

I broke the surface, wiping the water and flyaway hair off my face as I swam to shore, now not being able to touch the floor in the centre.
"Thanks, but I still don't see the point of learning anything if I can't do anything when I'm awake"

Natalie shrugged her shoulders, apparently you can't just call the moon goddess whenever you had any questions. Very inconvenient, but I enjoyed being able to spend time with Natalie. Even if it was just in my dreams. I can't wait for the day that's she's transferred.

I blinked, and in that split second Natalie and the world around me disappered and was replaced with a dark room, and someone shaking me awake.

I jumped backwards in fright, someone was in my room.
"Emilia, it's just me" I heard the familiar sweet and innocent voice of Sophie, "Henry is waiting for you. He said 'we have them', whatever that means"

I blinked a couple of times before what she said sunk in. They found my kids!!
I excitedly jumped out of bed and got dressed as quickly as possible, throwing on jeans, a shirt and shoes.
I ran after Sophie as we crept as quietly as possible through the castle.

I thought about waking up Amell or Rebecca. Maybe I can bring my kids back here? Surely they won't hurt them? I thought to myself.
Sophie led me down the same stairs we went before where the short tunnel was located.

As Sophie claimed, Henry was waiting for us. He looked up when we approached and nodded his head for me to follow. I hugged Sophie with a heartfelt "thank you" before following Henry out.

He led us to the far wall where a guard was watching. The guard spotted us and I feared for Henry, but the guard turned around as if he didn't see us. I frowned in confusion but followed Henry in silence.

It wasn't until we reached the forest that I spoke up. "How come that guard let us past?"
Henry didn't look back at me when he spoke, "some of the guards there are from a neighbourhood pack. They've been helping us"
I almost stopped in shock, I'll have to tell Amell when I return. After his surprise that I've got kids and I've kept that from him. I wished I had told him, I knew with absolute conviction now that I could trust him. I didn't know where the sudden change came from, or why. Something about Amell made me feel safe and in this current world that's what I wanted for my children.

We finally reached a clearing where a few tents were popped up. People were standing around in deep discussions, others were fighting. I couldn't see any kids though. I looked around frantically as I tried to hear any children nearby. But there was nothing.

"Henry, where is Jasmine and Eve?" I asked. Henry stopped in his tracks and faced me, a look of hatred crossed his face. "Why would I help you find your kids? Just to take them back to the dogs?" Henry accused.

I paused in my tracks at his harsh tone and looked around at the crowd forming around me, fear settled in as I realised that they now see me as the enemy. I once was afraid of the wolves, now I'm afraid of the very people I used to hope would gain back control of the world.

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