- an imp of no significance. It struggled against the choke of its leash. It wailed as it saw the remains of its brethren...

Shen casually walked towards it as if going to the table at dinner.

Shen looked at the sticky, smoldering pools that were mighty beings of the otherworld just moments ago. Then he turned his gaze toward the wailing imp.

Since it has a physical body he placed his spirit blade back into its scabbard and drew his steel saber instead. It was not the sword he had expected to use that day.

"Balance will be restored."

With a single slash to its neck, Its struggle was now gone.

Moments later as he headed back, the unfamiliar aura has appeared again inside the distant forest. Looking through the spirit world Shen could see different strings connected to all living things, but one stood out from the rest.

He grabbed it and caught a glimpse of a brown-haired boy with hazel eyes in a suit that has a similar style to the nobles of Noxus. Nevertheless, never even thought of him being of Noxian blood because his looks were... otherwordly.

The balance has tilted once more, the land cannot handle another anomaly, or it will go wild. Shen clasped his hands and left, leaving blue motes in the air.


A portal was created inside the serene temple, winds blew inside circling Shen.

He paced near the entrance and there he saw his disciple, Akali Jhomen Tethi.

An acolyte in particular showed boundless potential. Shen taught the girl, Akali Jhomen Tethi, to master the arts of stealth and subterfuge. Her mother, Mayym, had stood alongside Kusho as the Fist of Shadow, and it seemed as though her daughter could follow the same path. Even so, Shen found himself forced to urge restraint whenever Akali would seek to strike back at their mortal foes.

The day Akali became the new Fist of Shadow, he felt her beginning to drift away. In time, she openly denounced his teachings, and left the order. Although she left, her home was still here, she still kept coming trying to accompany him in this lonely sanctuary.

"Akali..." Letting my voice trail off as I stood beside her.

Akali: "hmm...?" she looked up to her side, "What is it?"

(Shen is taller btw)

"A favor, I suppose."

She faced in my direction and I continued

"Fetch me a rabbit..."

A vague request

Akali: Eeeh? what kind?" this got her curious.

"The rare kind."

Akali: Let me guess? this is something about balance and whatnot right?"

"Precisely, and remember that it's quite the feisty one, you might not be able to catch it."

Akali: Wanna bet on it then?" she smugly said

"Very well"

Akali: Then how about, you give me your food for a week if I catch it!" she exclaimed standing up and puffing out her chest, she then placed her hands on her hips.

"So you'll give me yours if you fail?"

Akali: y-yes..." reluctantly she agreed

"Deal... go on now, you have 3 hours till dusk."

Akali: "On it," as soon as she started running she halted and turned around. "Can you give me its description?" shouting from afar.

"Hazel eyes, its existence is dull, you will see it once you arrive. Please refrain from using violence, communication is the key."

Akali: I know, I know. I'm no longer a child!" she pouted and stomped towards her way to the forest. nine others immediately took formation behind her, it was the Navori Bladescouts.

I meditated to pass the time.

Hours later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Opening my eyes I watched the stars since it was almost nighttime they were visible to the naked eye, that Akali would need to find her own way... and so would the Kinkou.

Sometimes, between unseen struggles in the spirit realm, I still contemplate the value of my beliefs. I have never let my emotions stop me from preserving tradition, but the question remains: how long can one man walk two worlds, before the acts of one destroy the other?

A tall figure landed softly behind me he was clad in black with two blades on his sides.

"Master Shen, the rabbit is home"

"Excellent, let them in"

"Understood" with that he left without a sound, truly a ninja.

Now, I can finally see who or what caused the imbalance between the spirit world and this world, especially the void.

"The ever-watchful Eye is upon you."

Scene change



A group consisted of eleven individuals, nine with black clothing, one with green, and the other was red and black. They bowed towards the peculiar man in front that was in a lotus position.

He stood up and faced the group drawing his arcane sword, pointing it to the red and black-clothed boy. This is unexpected, as the girl with green clothing was baffled by what she was seeing.

 "State your name and business traveler!"

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