Ch 120: He Can't Wait To Break Zhou Ran's Body Into A Thousand pieces

Start from the beginning

    Yan Rui turned around, staggered, and walked out of the abandoned factory. Yan Rui looked up at the stars and the bright moon in the sky.

    Doudou will become a star in the sky when he is dead, right?

    Yan Rui leaned against a tree, sitting on the ground with limp legs, crying dullly.

    "Doudou, Zhou Yi is dead and Zhou Ran, I will definitely avenge you, wait and see."

    Yan Rui sat and waited for the news, the biting in the factory continued all night until four o'clock in the morning.

    A bird flew up to Yan Rui and called at him.

    Yan Rui stood up supporting the tree: Duan Lin has news.

    Yan Rui patted the dust on his body, then got on the motorcycle, increased the throttle and galloped out.

    Duan Lin's location was in the opposite direction, more than 100 kilometers away from him. No wonder the news came so slowly.

    The more you drive towards Duanlin's location, the more remote the route will be, and you will go straight into a forest.

    Yan Rui stopped suddenly, and a green mist suddenly formed in front of him.

    Wherever Qingwu went, no matter it was insects or birds, they could not avoid it, either fleeing or dying.

    Just hearing a "click", something fell from the sky.

    Yan Rui lowered his head and looked at a sparrow at his feet, bending over and reaching out to pick it up.

    The sparrow died on the spot, his eyes pale and his body stiff.

    This kind of green fog is too weird.

    But who can do this in this "world"?

    Yan Rui tightened his brows and had to step back.

    When Qing Wu reached a limit, it stopped. Looking at the dark forest ahead, Yan Rui had a bad premonition in his heart. He always felt that something was out of his control.

    Duan Chen was not the only one who had this premonition. The people he sent to sneak inside were all poisoned and killed when the blue mist struck.

    This kind of green fog has no order at all. If you want to say a solution, you must either take a plane or dig a tunnel.

    The tunnel is time-consuming, and the plane will alarm the people inside.

    Duan Chen: "Go and catch Zhou Ran."

    He has been sending people to follow Zhou Ran, and Zhou Ran has not been taken in yet.

    He doesn't know the identity of Zhou Ran inside, but think about it, he definitely has a lot to do with the people behind the scenes.

    As long as you catch Zhou Ran, are you afraid that you won't be able to get out of the people inside?


    You can't go in, you can only hold on to the soldiers, but Duan Chen didn't expect that the one he was waiting for was not Zhou but Yan Rui.

    You can't ride a motorcycle in this woods, so Yan Rui just threw it away.

    The terrain here is a circle. , Yan Rui planned to go around this circle to observe the breakthrough point, suddenly he stopped, his ears moved his nose and sniffed. He

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