Chapter 1: First encounter

Start from the beginning

"Now then......."

I had settled down for now, thus it would be best if I get work as soon as possible. I wasn't sure what my task was, but I had to finish it without delay.

This could be a perfect opportunity for me to run away, though the consequences of my actions would be devastating. There wasn't much I could do about my current situation either. Not like I had much of a choice back then.

Anyway, after making myself comfortable at my temporary home, I started going through the things I had recieved.

The maps were complicated. I can memorize the location and once I get used to the area, I won't be needing them anymore. But for some time, I would have to rely on them.

"As for the pictures-"

I took them out of my bag and looked at them one by one.

"Somehow, their facial structure is quite different to mine."

I got up and went towards the mirror. I hadn't paid much attention earlier but it appears my facial structure has changed a bit.

Although I still look the same, there was this different vibe I was getting. One that was similar to the pictures.

Nevertheless, that wasn't the main concern. So my only lead as of right now were these three pictures. Or so one would have concluded.

I turned the pictures around and there was something written behind it.

After further inspection, it turned out to be a brief database about the people. It included their name, family background, address and other personal info.

However, there was one key difference. There was one special message below Hanagaki's database.

Target;Priority:- Max

So that's how it is.

Hanagaki is the person who he was most likely referring to. He apparently possesses the ability to travel through time and is now inside his younger self.

Judging from the other hints, it could be concluded that either the girl, Tachibana or Manjiro is the important person he wants to save.

Though I feel it is most likely to be the girl. But then, what purpose does this guy's pic serve? Perhaps, the three of them, their safety is my main priority for now.

I thought over a while regarding how to approach the boy, Hanagaki. I didn't even know where he lived. I didn't know anything about him except for the fact that he wants to save someone, and thus came back to the past.

I put the pictures in the drawer and searched for something else. Apart from the house key, there was another key which was meant to be used for starting a bike.

I have never driven a bike before. It could be useful for me, as who knows how far I might have to travel to accomplish my goal.

As for how long it would take me to get the hang of it, well it depends. There were also several handbooks. Some regarding how to operate the various home appliances, while one was about the bike I had.

I looked over at the clock, it said 7:18.

I decided it would be best if I begin my search now. Who knows how long it may take otherwise?

I changed into some casual clothes. Wearing a hoodie above, making sure to hide my face while not making it seem conspicuous. I also wore a mask.

After locking the main door, I looked over at the bike which was standing still next to a tree in the garden.

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