Chapter 1 - Afterlife

Start from the beginning


"How about... maybe... we can go outside and play?"

Six shook her head, looking down at the wooden floorboards and sighing.

"I don't want to do anything right now."

The girl furrowed her eyebrows, adjusting the red bowtie that was clipped onto her long, braided hair. She noticed a small frown display on Six's face as she slumped her head back down to the floor. 

"You okay?"


She sat down next to Six, turning over to face her directly. It was glaringly obvious that Six wasn't fine, so the girl attempted to get a conversation started.

"Are you sure there isn't anything bothering you?"

Six was silent in response, so she decided to press further.

"If you want to talk to me about anything, let me know."

"I'm... okay." Six took a deep breath in. "I just... really miss him..."

The girl understood and decided not to press any further. She knew about Mono and what happened to him and felt sorry for the poor girl, wanting to comfort her in any way that she could.

"Um... I have another thing to tell you..."

Six slightly raised her head.

"I'm listening."

"I decided to enroll you in a school. You know... so you can get outside and... maybe make some new friends?"

She awaited a response from Six, who continued to stare blankly at her as she processed the information.

"If you don't want that, I can always just take you out."

"No, no, no... don't do that."

She didn't expect Six to want to stay. If anything, she expected her to decline almost immediately.

"I want to go."

"Alright, great!"

She gave a warm smile toward Six before standing up, turning around to leave the room. For the first time in what felt like years, Six felt a little bit of joy, a timid smile forming on her face.

"Mono would be happy..."

Perhaps going to school could be her way of turning over a new leaf, starting over fresh, and leaving her history of running from giant killers in the past. For once, she was looking forward to something.

"Oh, and by the way... it starts tomorrow. I can help you pick out some clothes for you to wear if you want?"

"Sure, why not."

She shrugged, standing up and stabilizing her balance as she nearly tripped over a toy duck that was lying near her foot, giggling to herself as she kicked it into a stack of blocks, knocking the pile over. Six ran over to the stone door that separated her from the rest of the mansion, following the girl in the brown coat around the corner, not wanting to be a burden on them any more than she already was by being late. For the first time in her life, she was being treated like a normal kid, getting dressed for school.

(POV Switch)



He heard the sound of Six's scream as he closed his eyes, bracing for impact. A loud metal screech was heard as the guests broke through the door. His body was violently jolted upward, a yelp escaping him as he was pulled up toward the ceiling. His ears rung and his palms ached as dust kicked up into the air. He coughed, shutting his eyes and lowering his head, trying to block any incoming dust.

Always - Mono x Six - Little NightmaresWhere stories live. Discover now