Therapy Sessions w/ Laurie { more headcanons + updated fcs !!}

Start from the beginning

Emma Bloom:

- lowkey in love w/ Bronwyn ( shhh it's a secret tho so nobody can know, even it's stupid obvious)
- mozart hater
- literally tried to fight someone with a pocketknife and a loaf of bread once. she won
- she keeps catching her hair on fire in the Acre. she's pretty sure it's Enoch's fault but doesn't have any proof yet and the cheeky mf is AVOIDING HER-
- she doesn't listen to music much but when she does it's either cheesy love songs or the kind of songs that make u ask if she's okay. she is not
- Television by Rex Orange County, When Did Your Heart Go Missing by Rooney, Our Love by Curtis Hardling, Thank God You Introduced Me To Your Sister by Sarah Barrios, that general idea
- she thinks she's bisexual but she's more questioning than anything, men n women are both her cup of tea
- effortlessly beautiful like this girl is a whole masterpiece without even trying
- big ol eyes
- she's super soft!! like her skin is literally perfect and she's a lower mid-sized girl, and i would die for her
- i've said it before but she is not allowed in the kitchen
- when Bronwyn is cooking she'll stand in the doorway like some horror movie character and just stare until someone drags her away cuz she's being creepy
- speaking of movies, she doesn't have the patience to sit through any
- she's tried but she just can't sit still for that long, so instead she settles for fast paced shows and whatever cheesy romance flick Bronwyn makes her watch
- uses " I'm too pretty for this" as an excuse and it works every time ( she stole it from Horace, who can't get it to work for him)
- " How easy would it be to just... burn this place to the ground right now? How simple?" " Emma no." " EMMA YES"
- also needs therapy, settles for mild crimes instead

Updated FC:
Sophia Lillias

Updated FC:Sophia Lillias

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Bronwyn Bruntley ( my darling my dear):

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Bronwyn Bruntley ( my darling my dear):

- totally not crushing on Emma Bloom herself no not at allllll (/sarc, she totally is)
- unironically a really good dancer
- she made halloween costumes for everyone the first year they spent it together, she had too much fun with her own
- she was a viking, Sharon helped her get a legitimate shield and accurate references
- idk how to explain it but i feel like she'd kick ass on banjo. do not ask
- her music taste is either all like... bluegrass, or indie pop
- Little Sadie by Crooked Still, Come Over ( Again) by Crawlers, Perfume by Lovejoy, Notion by The Rare Occasions, etc.
- does not follow her own, actually good advice
- the only one past Jacob allowed to have a phone, she doesn't use it and honestly forgets it's there until Jacob will call her and scare her out of her skin
- will not, under any circumstances, watch a horror movie
- THIS GIRL IS RIPPED. like literally even if she wasn't peculiar she'd be strong alone, her hugs are like being jumped by an overly cuddly bear and that's the best part
- she's lifted benches over her head like Gaston just cuz she loves how happy it makes people
- basically she's built like a female Gaston but she's so much better. not that it takes much effort to be better than that gumwad but Bronwyn took one look at him and decided that she was cooler. she was right
- lesbian!
- thinks snails are so cool

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