Chapter One: Of Fainting and History

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(Name) hadn't slept a wink on the first day of third year. She had made it her tradition since entering high school, a tradition not by choice she would add. She was overwhelmed, or was it underwhelmed? She was just whelmed for goodness sake!

Only was it when the clock hit 5:00 did she go downstairs, eat breakfast and prepare for class.

When (Name) walked into the well cooled school that hot morning she was fairly early. Even then there was a crowd around the list on the wall of what classrooms everyone was in; she quickly squeezed herself in to read off her name.

[(Sir name) (Name) 035 Takeuchi]

(Name) quickly pulled herself out and began walking to her class.

As she walked in and slipped into the seat next to the famous spiky haired basketball captain, she merely let out a yawn and a small smile, "ey, Kasamatsu". The male hummed in response, "you didn't sleep did you", she could feel that it was a statement rather than a question, she simply shrugged.

As class started, she watched the male out of boredom, it wasn't always this easy for him to talk to her- in fact she had forced the awkward friendship to develop into the beautiful flower it was today -not that she would say that out loud.

She could remember it like yesterday when the first met back in first year;

As she had sat down in her assigned seat she noticed the male student next to her begin to sweat profusely. She tilted her head as she eyed him. He quickly glanced at her then darted forward, he was as stiff as a board. Well this was going to be her seatmate for a long time, she thought she might as well introduce herself.

She took a deep breath, "hey, I'm (Last name)". He stared at her for a few minutes before he suddenly jolted a bit with realization, "o-oh .... I'm uh.... ....". She stared at him, "I'm sorry could you repeat that?" She swore she wasn't going deaf. "Kasamatsu" he stuttered blushing, "well nice to meet you Kasamatsu-san" she smirked sticking a hand out until he suddenly started to pale; "Kasamatsu?! Are you feelin-.... and he fainted"

(Name) began to freak out, it was the first day, he passed out randomly, class was due to start in five minutes, and she already did something detention worthy! She wasn't planning on any of this! WHY THE HELL DID HE FAINT! "It's okay... I'll just position him so he looks like he's sleeping before anyone comes! Yeah! See problem solved, right? Right! No one will need to know of wha-" she said as she scrambled but stopped her rant when he came to. "Oh, thank god you didn't die! Phew I thought I was going to be going to jail or something... Aha you scared me there...." she rambled in relief as he stared at her confused.

"We're going to be great friends Kasa-kun"


English was going to be one hell of a long period.

Back in the present, class had finished and as she packed her things she noticed the spiky black haired male wait for her like he had done every morning since their friendship.

As the two third years walked side by side, (Name) couldn't help but let Kasamatsu in on her thoughts; "Ne, Kasamatsu-san, do you remember in first year when Takahashi brought pop to class to secretly drink but ended up actually spraying everyone?"

Kasamatsu tried to think of the moment; he smiled, it was actually somewhat funny now. He eyed the female for a second, "weren't you sitting directly next to him?". (Name) let out a chuckle, "I had to take three-four showers to stop being sticky. I remember I was so mad, I think the first thing I screamed was 'MY NOTES NOOOOO', and then proceeded to cry a bit".

"Oh, and in second year when you beat up Yamada for bullying the class rep?" (Name) giggled a bit as a look of irritation passed Kasamatsu, "I can't stand and watch something like that" he said sternly, she smiled "but it was funny because Yamada a week ago was talking tough. Plus, the next day, upon seeing you he ran the other way! You were so amazing! It was like reading Shonen manga" she praised. Kasamatsu gave a small chuckle, "yeah, but what brought all this up?". The female smiled, "you do realize this is our last year, right?", he hummed in response. "Don't you ever look back at the start sometimes and wonder how much we've changed?" (Name) asked with a dreamy look in her eyes, Kasamatsu raised an eyebrow at her curiously, "I mean like look at you! When we first met you were scared of girls-", "I still am" Kasamatsu added, "yes but not me! And if I'm being honest - frankly I am- that's really all that's important". Kasamatsu rolled his eyes, he never understood what drew the bright (eye color) eyed female to him, nor why he let it.

As they walked in and sat in their desks (Name) smiled fondly and began writing the note on the board.

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