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Hello! You can skip this but it's just a random author's note about life lol.

Long time no see! haha. I found the entire finished story while going through my computer and remembered I never fully published the entirety of it. Well I wrote this story years ago (man I feel old saying that even though I'm not even that old), back when I was in high school. It was back when I was graduating and I was so excited and nervous because I was going to a University and my friends were all going to another. I felt alone and terrified that just like that I was pretty much an adult and I had to start over on my own even though I had been with my classmates since the first grade. 

I wrote this as a way to kinda cope and bring a little joy to combat my fears. It was what I thought growing up was going to be like. Alas, it's actually a lot different, but the same thing applies at any point in your life when you're going to start something new or leave things behind. So if you feel anything like felt, I just want to say,

you're going to meet a lot of people, some literally will be the coolest people every, you will be all smiles and laughter every time you see them, and some will be the absolute worst. You're gonna feel great on some days, and you're gonna question your sanity on others. It will be the little things like naming your plant after your favorite character, buying a really cute pen, or re-watching an episode of your favorite show from years ago that will put a smile on your face and make you laugh for hours. 

So there is absolutely nothing to fear, it will get better, you can do it, you made it, and I'm so proud of you! Your worth is not determined by grades or by other people's opinions. So have fun and you got this!

Last Year Haste (Kasamatsu Yukio)Where stories live. Discover now