"Um, long story short, we're in the hospital, and Fallon's in surgery," he told his father-in-law.

Blake stood straight, his composure reflecting his worries.

"What!? What happened!? You two have been gone for two days and Fallon nearly dies again!?" he questioned, deep concern lacing his voice.

Liam sighed and shifted in his spot.

"I'll explain once you get here. Just hurry."

With that, he hung up, leaving Blake confused.

"Thank you," he told the woman, placing the phone back in it's place.

She nodded, not really caring about whatever Liam had just done.

He smiled awkwardly and walked back to the waiting room.

When he returned to his seat, he swept his eyes around the area, hoping that a doctor would come by and tell him that Fallon was okay and that he could go be with her. Much to his disappointment, no doctor came.

He slumped in his chair, not knowing what to do. He leaned back and closed his eyes.

What if Fallon isn't okay? he thought, his mind wandering to somewhere he didn't want it to be.

What if she doesn't make it out alive?

He closed his eyes tighter, trying to fight off the disturbing thoughts.

What if the last time I saw her was really the last time I saw her?

He groaned.

Stop. She'll be fine.

He furrowed his eyebrows.



Liam jumped, his eyes shooting open. His startled gaze was met with Blake's worried one.


He sat down next to his son-in-law.

"Sorry it took so long, I got here as fast as I could."

Liam looked at him confused.

"I hung up the phone, like, three minutes ago," he said. "How did you get here so fast?"

Blake ignored his question and turned to face him more directly.

"What happened? Is Fallon okay?"

"I don't know," he sighed. "She's been in surgery for the past twelve hours... Does anyone else know about this?"

Liam looked around, seeing if any other members of Fallon's family were here.

"I informed them that Fallon was here, but I told them to stay home. I didn't want to crowd her," he spoke quickly. "Now tell me, what happened in the past forty-eight hours?"

Liam then went on to tell Blake about what the two had gone through. Everything between being taken in their sleep, the fight with Eva, and to Fallon collapsing in the parking lot, he left out no details. He teared up around the parts about Fallon; he didn't care much about what he had gone through.

Blake gasped at some parts, but for the most part, remained silent and allowed Liam to tell the full story.

"And that all happened in just two days!?" he asked once Liam had finished.

He sadly nodded.

"And that's not even all of it. After the call disconnected, I have no idea what Fallon went through up to the next morning."

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