Then, she faded, giving Scarlett's brain back to its rightful owner.


Scarlett came to, and heard the words she never thought she would hear in this lifetime.

"We believe you."

Scarlett looked up, zeroing in on her friends faces.

"What.. Jake, your face-" She cut herself off when Jake nodded at her, deciding to let them explain.

"We didn't know at first. But then.. she talked to us." Juila explained.

"Through you." Scarlett barely suppressed a shudder at that thought.

"She explained a few things, and healed my face." Jake added shortly afterwards, Scarlett lightly touching his face like it was a glass figurine, capable of breaking with one touch.

'Mom? Is that true?'

"Hush child. Listen to what they have to say."

Scarlett frowned slightly. What else could they have to say?

She was suddenly pulled into a hug by the two, which she returned quickly.

"We're really sorry, Letti."

"Yeah, we really are. We didn't know."

Apologies continued to spill from their lips as they hugged Scarlett. Scarlett gulped, placing a hand on the backs of her friends.

"Hey guys, it's fine. It's not like I expected you guys to believe me at first anyways."

"Or at all." Jake added softly, guilt lacing his tone.

"Wait a minute. " Juila said, breaking away from the hug.

"She said she needed help, right?"

"Did she?" Jake mumbled, his arms loosening their hold on Scarlett slightly as he thought.

"Yeah, I think so! She said that Scar couldn't help her by herself for some reason."

"Oh yeah, she did, didn't she?"

"Yeah, because she's stubborn." Samantha corrected in Scarlett's head, making her hold in a groan.

"I am not stubborn!" Scarlett thought, breaking free from Jake's hold and sitting on her bed.

"Are you sure about that, Scar/ Sweetie?" Julia and Samantha said in unison.

"Oh hush, you two." Scarlett remarked to both of them, before realization smacked her in the face.

"Wait, you can-"

"Hear her too? Yeah, kinda." Juila said with a tilt of her head.

"Oh. Well, that makes things easier." Scarlett breathed, a small chuckle bubbling from her lips.

Jake sighed, sitting next to Scarlett and lightly resting his head on her shoulder.

"You know," Scarlett heard, assumed her mother was only speaking with her.

"If you could just touch them at the same time, you won't have to explain about the murder."

'Oh really?' Scarlett thought suspiciously. 

"You've been through enough, let me help a little. Now, go on child."

She hesitated. Did she really want them to have to see this? To experience what she had to for the last 5 years?

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