The Note

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Gwan Seohyun's POV
The entire car ride was silent. I noticed Yoonah, who was in the passengers seat beside me, was staring out the window. She never took her eyes off the glass once.

"You okay?" I asked with obvious concern in my voice.

"Hwan," she replied, "We left Hwan."

I felt my heart skip a beat. I was too scared in the heat of the moment that I hadn't even checked if everyone was here. No one did. We were all so shocked.

"You're joking.." I said, but I knew she wasn't. We really did leave him behind. It was too late now, we were long ways from that restaurant, heading to the police station.

Na Hwan's POV
It felt as if something was choking me. I stared into the mirror, lost in thought. My breath was short and choppy, blood was still oozing from my mouth, and my heart was still beating thousands per second.

I splashed water on my face and rushed out the door. That's when I realized that the car was gone.

I began to panic, pacing back and forth. Where are they? Did they really just leave me here? I ran my bloody fingers through my hair and sat down on the curb.

If this is a joke, it really isn't funny. I could almost sense myself tearing up. I wanted to leave. I just wanted to go home and get out of here. Please.

What if they teamed up on me? Was this some sort of plan? I buried my face in my palms.

I heard footsteps coming near and jumped up. To my surprise, it was Yoonah.

"Oh my god, you're okay!" She ran towards me and hugged me tightly.

I pushed her back.

"Where are the others?" I asked in confusion.

"When I noticed you weren't with us, I made Seohyun stop the car and drop me off so I could look for you. I didn't want anything to happen to you."

I didn't know how to respond to that. Seo Yoonah is so caring, I really don't deserve her.

I pulled her back into a hug.

"Thank you, Yoonah. Thank you for coming back. And thank you for defending me at the table."

"Of course. You said you'd defend me no matter what, so I'll defend you no matter what. I mean it."

It felt nice to have someone on my side when I felt like everyone else doubted me.

"Where did they drive off to?"

"The police station, but that's not important. We need to get you to a hospital, okay?"

I nodded.

Seo Yoonah's POV
Today was Saturday. School was off and I figured it'd be the perfect day to fix my camera. When I set it up that day that Eunji was killed, I was hoping to capture something important.

My plan was to invite Eunji over. If she tried anything on me, the camera would catch it, but unfortunately the power shut off and the camera did too. I also had another plan. If the killer wasn't her, and tried to kill one of us, that would also be caught on the camera. Again. My plan was ruined due to the power.

Whoever killed Eunji knew where I lived. That's one of the parts that scared me the most. If the killer wanted to, they could break in at any moment and hurt me. But who knew such a thing? I never told anyone where I lived. Not even my friends.

Who could it be?

I got down from the ladder and turned on the TV.

"Lee Jiho suspect, Do Hyeon, found dead in restaurant near WindBell Academy. And what's even more shocking is that the ones who reported it were also suspects! Coincidence or not?"

Are you kidding me? We had nothing to do with that! Hell, I didn't even know that was Do Hyeon!

I immediately shut off the TV and let out a long sigh. If I hadn't moved here, I wouldn't have ever been involved. I could've lived my life as a normal person. If my mom hadn't gotten that stupid job!

I felt like crying. What do I do? My whole life is falling apart for something I didn't even do. Something I never asked to be apart of.

I need more allies, but who?? Would anyone even want to be my ally?

That's when I receive the most unusual call. Gwan Seohyun.

Gwan Seohyun's POV
I wasn't going to invite Hwan over. I was going to invite Seo Yoonah.


"Hello, Yoonah, it's Seohyun."

"Oh, hi! What's up?"

"I was wondering if you'd like to come over today. Maybe in a few minutes?"

"Um.. sure, just give me a second, I'm a little busy."

During the car ride last night, I had a long conversation with Heejin.

She told me that certain cases fascinated her and that she knew a lot about the school before hand. After Yoonah got out, we also talked about her. Oh yes, Heejin told me all about her. Heejin was a great resource when I needed Information about people, that's for sure.

I heard a knock on my door and opened it up to see Yoonah standing there.

"Yoonahhh, hi," I gestured her inside.

"So what's up?" She asked me, while taking a seat on the couch.

"I just wanted to talk to you, that's all. I can get you a drink if you'd like."

"No that's okay."

I sat in the chair ahead of her.

"I wanted to ask you something."

"What's that?"

"Well, I heard that you were at the school the exact time Yejun died. Why were you there?"

She sighed. It was clear she didn't plan on telling anyone, but now that she was put in the spotlight, she had to.

"A note. I got a note. It told me to go there."


"I got a note in my locker and it told me to go there."

"Do you have that note with you?"

"I might," she said, digging into her bag. "Here." She handed it over to me

"Dear Yoonah. Please meet in the 3rd floor hallway at school tonight. 5:30PM."

"It's anonymous," she added. "The third floor is where the student council room is located."

"That's where she was murdered right?" I asked, setting the note down on the coffee table.

"Yes. Around that time was when I ran into Hwan, too."

"Yoonah, where were you during every murder?"

"Oh, uh.. let me think. The day of Jiho's murder I was helping out Yejun with student council-"

I cut her off right there.

"See, every time you've mentioned that, you never mention Hwan being with you. The only time you ever have was at dinner last night. Are you lying?"

"What? No. He was there, I was with him. But my purpose of being there wasn't to help him, it was to help Yejun. At the time, I was more close with her than I was with him. Does that make any sense?"

"Yes, it does."

"Okay, good. Now I have a question for you."

"Alright, shoot it." I sat up, all ears.

"Why is my address on your phone?" she said, pointing at my lap.

"Your... address?" I looked down at my phone.

My eyes widened. I hadn't realized my screen was on.

"Seohyun, did you kill Kim Eunji???"

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