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Name: Melissa RoundsCodename: BetaOccupation: Ex-MilitaryGender: FemaleRelationship: ?Family: ?Human: ?

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Name: Melissa Rounds
Codename: Beta
Occupation: Ex-Military
Gender: Female
Relationship: ?
Family: ?
Human: ?

Melissa was your normal human, or so everyone thought, raised rich and ^spoiled^ she could get anything she wanted with the snap of her fingers or the flick of her wrist, but she didn't want the golds or riches, no she always would say she wanted her Spark-Mate and Sparkling's back. No one understood what she wanted and it made her angry to no end, so she soon joined the military in hopes of something she desired, sadly she was injured and forced to no longer be in the military due to her injury.

One of her eyes was damaged and soon revealed the robotic eye beneath and her love of this eyes refused to let anyone touch it or try to ^fix^ her, so instead wears a bandage over it so she can be normal in ^human society^

Years later, she hears about the Autobots and Decepticons through an old military friend (set in Transformers Prime universe) and instantly something clicks. she forces her way back into the military and gets a spot in helping search for the Decepticons as to alert the Autobots so they could stop the ^evil^.

Searching for what feels like years, but only a few months she gets a ping, on her computer, to HER specifically and she rushes to the coordinates something telling her to go. When she arrives, she finds Soundwave, the TIC, chief of communication for the Decepticons, her hear speeds up as the masked Cybertornian seems to stare at her. He kneels down and pokes her damaged eye behind her bandages and she quickly removes them the mask shows a happy face emoji and Melissa smiles back.

Soundwave stands back up and Lazerbeak unlatches from his chest and flies to her side and nuzzles her, she smiles and whispers "I know you, you are one of my sparkling's" Lazerbeak chirps at her and Soundwave kneels again removing his mask, she stares up at him and is in awe at his beauty of a face. "Soundwave" her voice is soft but full of passion, and he smiles back "Beta" he whispers and she remembers it all.

She was once Beta a Cybertronian, with her Spark-Mate Soundwave and her Sparkling's, (the many to name XD) but she died when a rouge Autobot had attacked her home and had killed her and most of her kids, only a few remaining alive to get to Soundwave. but throughout the war only Lazerbeak remains alive. 

And she cried, for the first time in years Melissa cried for the lost family she forgot about.

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