Part 6: Back to the old days

Bắt đầu từ đầu

"How about it? Can we repeat what we did last week, or didn't you like it?"

"Oh, I enjoyed it, Lea. And it would be great to do it again."

" Okay, then let's go now!"


" You're getting better and better at this."
I said as we sat at the table eating blueberry and honey pancakes made by Shaun.

" Thank you. I flip them four times in five second intervals so they get crispy in the middle and around the edges."

" They are delicious. But that's not all you're getting better at every day. "

"What else am I better at?"

" In hugs, kisses"__ I gave him a wink__" and baths, you sure know how to rub backs and other things we do under the shower."
I smiled.
Shaun was pleased with the answer.

"Yeah, I didn't like hugging and showering together seemed inconvenient. But now I really like it, it doesn't bother me one bit, not even sharing the cubicle, in fact, it's kind of relaxing."

"It's good to know that, because I don't want you doing things you're not comfortable with just to please me. Okay?"


" I'll tell you what, let's do it again sometime."

"Okay, I'm in."

I kissed Shaun on the cheek.

"Shall we go? The day is all ours and so is the road."


"Lea, do you want to listen to music?"
"You don't mind?"
"No, how about 14 faces?"
"Perfect choice. I just don't know if I'll find it on any radio stations."__ I said turning the knobs.
"No need, I have it here."
Shaun quickly turned on his cell phone.

"Bang, bang, let's go
She's hanging half her body out the car window
She's drinking every drop of the moon
She said it's so nice of you..."

He sang a part of the chorus, and I looked surprised and smiled as I accompanied him in releasing the verses in rhythms as fleeting as the speed at which I was driving.
Looking at Shaun happy and swaying listening to sound frequencies above what he used to endure made me think about how open he has been to accepting small changes. This made me as happy as his expression mirrored.
We followed the path smelling the pure scent of pine trees and shouting to them the composition that represented memories, gratitude and freedom.


"Do you want to drive, Shaun?"
I stopped a corner before the pub.

" I think I'd better not, I might crash the car again."

"But it wasn't your fault, there was a rock on the shoulder. You're good at driving, you got your license, I don't know why you don't drive."
He stared at me.

"Let's go! We're almost there, there's only a few meters to go, you can drive there."

"That's fine."
He smiled.


"Tequila for two, please!"__ I asked the attendant as soon as we pulled up to the counter__"Let's drink to your good driving skills, what was that beacon? Even I haven't been able to park my car so symmetrically until now. You were fantastic!"

"Yeah, I made sure the car didn't take up disproportionate space on the sides so it wouldn't invade someone else's space."

"Well done! That's my boyfriend!"

The attendant handed us our first shot of tequila for the occasion.

"For you being a good driver, for us, and for old times that will be relived today."

We raised our glasses for the toast and then for the single sip.

"Tequila, stat! Please!"__ Shaun stepped forward to ask for the second shot.

"Hey Shaun, look what's waiting for us over there."
I directed my head towards the stage and the microphones positioned below the TV monitor.

"It's going to be a really fun night."

"Oh, you're damn right it will be."

"Baby when I met you, there was peace unknown
I set out to get you with a fine toothed comb
I was soft inside, there was something going on..."

"Islands in the stream, that is what we are
No one in between, how can we be wrong
Sail away with me, to another world
And we rely on each other, uh huh
From one lover to another, uh huh..."

Our voices echoed in chorus in the almost empty bar, unison, unsung they represented a sonorous ensemble of the ecstatic emotion of the moment. We were complete and immersed in what we are good at and love to do.


"I booked the same room in the hotel where we stayed the first time we came."

We had taken a break, because after hours of mastering the microphones an irate client asked for the chance to use them.

"But this time we won't be sleeping in separate beds."__Shaun added in the tone of one who confesses that he has bought something precious and rare.
"How romantic and kind, Shaun."

"While you were getting ready this morning I called and told the manager that we have been there before, but we were friends then and are now a couple of lovers, so I asked her to provide only a double bed."

"Perfect, Shaunie. You always think of everything. Thank you!"

"You're welcome. This time I won't be throwing up either because I was careful to only take three shots of tequila."

"Very prudent of you. But I think I overdid it today."

" Yeah, Lea, you took a little more than I did. But if you get sick, we have aspirin in the bag."

" Relax, Shaun, I just need to wash my head and go to sleep, we're pretty tired. We'd better get a move on to the hotel."

" You're right, I think a good bed now would be great."


We left the car in the pub's parking lot and walked the two blocks to the hotel.
At the door I stopped.

"Wait a minute my boy, aren't we forgetting something?"

"This is where we had our first kiss."

"Yes, for this night to be complete we need to kiss in this very spot, without vomiting this time."


"So... Let's go! I've had a great time tonight with you, Shaun Murphy, and I'm not going through this door before you kiss me."

Shaun nodded and brought his face closer to mine and together we had a long and memorable kiss, it sealed another part of our story that kept happening even after years.

"You are definitely an expertise at this."
I said to a restrainedly happy and relaxed Shaun.


I took a quick shower, put on the clothes Shaun had brought. He was waiting for me with a glass of water and a bottle of pills in his hand.

"This is for you to hydrate, I'll leave this medicine here in case you need it."__ he said handing me the glass and placing the bottle on the dresser next to the bed.

"You're amazing, Shaunie. I love you."

We lay down, back in the small hotel room. In sweaters, sweatpants and socks we snuggled into each other, arms wrapped around each other.
The same place, the same memories for the same people who now had different feelings, only more intense and certain.

Shaun And Lea: Made for each otherNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ