What Is He Doing?

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(Part 3)

Ashley’s POV

I woke up when the front door slammed. I sat up and looked at the time, 19.00, Okay seven. I went to the kitchen and saw my mum unpacking some shopping, I let out a slight cough and she turned, “Oh hello Ashley, didn’t see you there” “It’s okay...” “Well, how was it?” “How was what?” “Your first day silly!” “Oh, well, it was okay” “That’s good” She came over and put on hand on the side of my face, “I’m so proud of you Ashley” I closed my eyes, “Things haven’t been easy as you know with your dad leaving.. Things haven’t been good for me...” I looked up at her, “You! What about me? I was bullied for three years straight and you wouldn’t do anything!” “I got you out of that school didn’t I?” “With the schools force, they were worried about me and their school, it wasn’t a good look, they didn’t try to stop it, and they just thought to get rid of the problem...” “Stop being ungrateful Ashley” She turned and went back over to the cupboard and took out a bottle of vodka.  I watched as she unscrewed the lid and poured a shot. I looked in disgust. All this woman would do is drink her problems away, that’s why dad left and he left me with her. I kept to myself even at home, I can’t trust anyone including my family.  I turned, slipped on my shoes and coat and left. I didn’t know where I was going but I would be out a while because I don’t want to be in that house when she is drunk, I’ll come home when she’s passed out on the sofa..

I walked with my hood up and hands in my pocket. I reached the park just down the road from where I live, it was dark and looked empty. I opened the gate and shut it behind me before carrying on walking.  I walked for a bit before sitting down on bench looking at the lake before me. It was so calm, the moonlight being. I then tilted my head back and looked up, thousands of stars above me all shining their own light.

I thought of what I’m going to do. I know when I’m old enough I’m moving out of that house and finding a place of my own. Then for school I’ll give it a few more chances and if it doesn’t work out well something will have to be done.  I have nearly a whole life’s amount of anger inside me and all I would have to do is stand up for myself but I can’t. I don’t really see a point, I’m not fighting for anyone, yes myself but no one cares about me.

I stood and picked up a stone, skipping it across the water replacing the stillness with splashes. I then started to walk back. I slowed when I heard laughter and whispers. I looked up carefully and could see a group of people standing at the gate, drinking and I think some smoking. I took a breath before carrying on walking with my head down. “Excuse me” I whispered as I tried to get through, everything went quiet before someone I spoke. “What do we get in return?” I knew that voice, it was him, from earlier, Elliot? I don’t know.. “i-I uh don’t have anything” “Sure you do, search his pockets!” Two people then came at my sides grabbing my arms; trying to get my hands out of my pockets. All I had was my phone. I elbowed the person to my right making them step back, then I turned knocking the other person off me. “Get off now and leave me alone!” The boy laughed “Pathetic” He went to go on but someone was coming towards us, I turned and looked as a hooded figure walked closer. “Elliot what’s going on now?” “Oh Stef, glad you could join us” He said before looking back at me with an evil smile. Stef came into the light, “oh..” Is this guy following me? “I just want to get home” “Elliot” “No.. to pass us he has to give us something in return” Stefan looked at me before stepping to a side, I wondered what he was doing but then I realised, “Elliot let him go!” “You heard the deal!” “Oh Yeah!” “Yeah” I was out of what was going on trying to figure out what Stef was trying to tell me. I was brought back when Stef pushed Elliot against the wall, I looked in shock what was he doing! He pinned the taller boy against the wall and turned and looked at me, “What are you doing! Go! Run!” I nodded before running. I reached the other end of the park out of breath and stopped, putting my head between my knees to try and catch my breath. I looked up again when I could hear people coming. I quickly jumped the wall and ran for it, running the rest of the way home.

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