A Note

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Hello everyone it's been a while I know and there's a few things I wanted to inform about this story and more.

So as I mentioned before it's been a long time since I last updated and that's because of my mental health, I started therapy and now I'm under this whole therapy process so it's taking a while but I'll get way better as the time passes for sure.

With that I'd like to say that I'm pausing this story for now, don't worry I'll finish it when the time's right. You all will get the ending as I planned.

Also I'm about to start a whole new book here, that's one of the reasons I'm pausing this one cause I wanna focus on that particular story and to upload that I have to take a bit longer to process the start and the end as it'll go, for now I just planned the theory and plot and it's gonna be very dramatic, well I hope it will. I do love me a bit of a drama.

And this new story is gonna be very detailed as well, different than this one cause I've learned alot about writing and how to be more creative and open with new set of words and I'm still learning, so it will be a long one with paragraphs probably 😂.

And that's all! I'll start writing again as soon as possible and as you all know I write everything down in my notebooks before I type it in here and I'm gonna continue doing just that.

Be a bit more patient with me darlings. That'll be very appreciated. ❤️

See y'all very soon!

Adrienne (Paused At The Moment)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα