Chapter 2: Gible the Hero?

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It was morning, FINALLY! Iris let everyone out again, they all scrambled off doing there own thing AGAIN(Kinda boring is it?)

"Todays the day" Axew thought to himself.

Axew was running, looking for as many apples as possible, finally coming across 25 of them within a hour, he was set. As he was running along, he was whistling Emolga's name. But he didn't notice that Excadrill was actually listing from below him...Before he finally found Emolga, Excadrill popped out in front of him.

"Give me those Apples!" Excadrill Thundered.

"Leave me alone! These apples are mine! I found them!Go find your own you lazy groundhead! go get burnt by a Charizard or blasted by a Blastoise!" Axew said furiously.

"Hahahahhaha!They are not yours there are for your GIRLFRIEND..See?Big Difference, learn the meaning of DIFFERENCES before you come and mock me" Excadrill blurted out, more furiously than Axew.

Axew snapped, and within minutes dragonite came sky rocketing down.

"Oh cra-" Exacadrill was about to say, but then Dragonite landed and stomped on Excadrill's Head.

"Go pick on someone your own size!Pip-squeak!" Dragonite mocked.

"Ugh, I'll be back." Excadrill went back underground.

"Well" Dragonite said."She's right there, go ahead..It's all yours buddy."

Axew walked up to Emolga, knowing that there would be nothing to separate then it happened, Excadrill popped up with 9 other ones, Axew was Surrounded!

"FEAR NOT, FOR I AM HERE!" Gible shouted sky rocketing at a Excadrill's gnawed on the top steel part of Excadrill, forcing Excadrill to shake in pain.

"STOP IT!IT HURTS, IT BURNS!AAAAHHGGGGG!" The Excadrill exclaimed loudly in pain, retreating in or later, there was one Excadrill left, Iris' Excadrill.

"Your going down pip-squeak!" Excadrill said aggressively. Just then, a blue flashing light surrounded Gible. "What's going on?!" Gible wondered to himself. Soon enough, Gible Evolved into Gabite, and now he can not only eat steel, but cut THROUGH it and also Cut through other things and pokémon to do a heavy amount of damage.

"YOU CAME TO MESS WITH THE WRONG POKÉMON, BUDDY!" Gabite yelled ferociously.

Gabite leaped up and cut Excadrill.

"Is that all you can do?Pfft" Excadrill dug underground. But Gabite detected the ground shaking, so he jumped up in the air and when Excadrill came out, gnawed on the steel part of his head "Headshot." Gabite taunted.

"WHY DO I ALLWAYS HAVE TO LOOSE!Excadrill exclaimed, he dug underground and ran away.

Axew walked up to Emolga again, "Emolga..."

"Yeah Axew?" Emolga responded.

"I.." Dragonites words were flowing through Axew's head "MAN UP!" He finally built enough confidence to tell her."I..Love you..Emolga.." Axew confessed, really embarrassingly and dropped the apples on the ground "For you" He said.

"..." Emolga remained in Silence.

Emolga just went up to Axew and blushed for a moment."I have the same feelings for you, Axew" Emolga admitted.

Emolga went up to Axew and kissed him on the cheek.

Axew blushed even harder, surprised by her kiss. Axew kissed her on the cheek as-well(hoping not to get shocked!)

And then it happened, ZAAAAAP! Emolga zapped axew...

"Axew! Why'd you do that! That hurt!" Emolga said angrily.

"What?! I didn't do anything!" Axew said innocently.

What happened?!Who knows, find out on the next Shocking Reveal!

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