Part 1 - Deception

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House Remula - Northern Demari

The soft moonlight caused Valerie Remula's smooth, pale skin to glow. Her elegant white hair flowed loosely over her shoulders, doing little to cover her bare breasts. Her beauty had an ethereal quality to it that had been the inspiration for many poets that spread stories about the glory of House Remula. The balcony she stood upon overlooked a grand rose garden, along with the glorious grounds of the Remula Estate. She cast a bored look at the room behind her, where a muscular man stood. He was closing the buttons on his shirt. Messy sheets hung from a golden bed frame, the soft candlelight emanated from a golden chandelier that jutted from an ornate roof.

Valerie rolled her eyes, "Do hurry and take your leave, Harold. If my father discovers you're away from your post for a third night he might not be so merciful in his punishment."

Harold smiled as he pulled up his pants, the belt making a slight clanging sound, "Of course Lady Remula, I do hope you enjoyed my company. I hope to service you again."

Valerie didn't respond and turned back to look out over the rose garden. Harold had been a guard in their estate since he was dismissed from military service for The Empire. He was a exceptional soldier, but as a member of House Remula, Valerie smiled to herself, he had become her plaything. She glanced back towards the door, and caught sight of Harold rubbing two small puncture marks on his neck as he left the room.

She let out a small sigh as the door closed. Harold had been fun but she was still unsatisfied. Valerie allowed a single tear to roll down her cheek. It had been four years since her mother was brutally murdered for her 'differences' by the townspeople. She thought of the House, and how her father had spent large portion of time in sorrow, whilst the legacy of the Remula's crumbled around him. She remembered staring into his empty eyes as he spent night after night on his black throne. The spell of despair had been broken a year ago with the sudden death of King Ulysses, the throne had then been inherited by King Dorian, a younger man who had personally appointed Valerie's father as his advisor. That had been a turning point for her father, and the kingdom. Rapid expansion had ensured and Demari's borders were now more secure than they had ever been.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the door creaking open slightly and she groaned, "Harold, I do recall telling you to -"

Her voice trailed off as the light of the chandelier was extinguished. The coldness in the air turned to a deathly chill. She spun and was startled to see the menacing physique of House Remula's High Lord, Pontius, standing behind her. His hard-set face was painted in an emotionless, ghostly white, and a slight red stain was visible on his upper lip. The light in the room seemed to remove itself in his presence, as if too afraid to go near the horrific man. His black eyes stared straight at Valerie as he sniffed slightly. He ran an ancient hand through his hair, the black strands melding with the shadows as he moved them.

"You've had that filthy pig in here again, haven't you?" He rasped, his voice was loaded with authority despite the quiet tone. "You were always fond of playing with your food."

Valerie stiffened, "Harold happens to me my favourite guard of late. He's less refined than some of the others but you have a tendency to break them, so I have to make do."

Pontius glared at her, the soft red glow of his eyes becoming more profound. His expression bordered on murderous. "You stain our house's name. Do you think we are running a whorehouse?".

He moved closer to her, running a gnarled hand down her cheek. Valerie let out a small whimper, she knew he could crush her skull in an instant. "My Lord, I would never dishonor the house. However, since you prohibited hunting, I need something to entertain myself."

She placed on Pontius's chest, through an opening in his robes. She felt the muscle stiffen, then relax. His face softened and the glow receded from his eyes, "Of course my dear Valerie," He cooed, "it is only natural for someone as adventurous as yourself. However, this behavior will need to stop. You are attending the Demari Imperial University next month and I expect you to continue to uphold the reputation of the house. I cannot have the other noble families thinking I have raised a whore for a daughter."

Valerie smiled at her father, "Have some faith in me father, I will make you and mother proud."

Pontius nodded solemnly, his expression dropped at the mention of his late wife. "I know Valerie. I must be going. King Dorian has an audience with the envoy of Lydmia, those damn cultists." he spat, "Ensure you return to your studies, I do not want to see another of my guard in here again."

Before Valerie could answer, Pontius left the room. Valerie grinned as a mischievous expression crept upon her flawless face. She would study indeed, her latest experiment had already begun his journey home, though Valerie doubted he would make it the entire way before succumbing. She slid graciously into one of her favourite outfits. A tight-fitted leather coat with crimson highlights was draped over a corset that allowed her to flaunt enough to persuade whatever simple-minded guard may catch her out of her quarters. She completed the outfit with a masquerade mask. It was a simple, half design that covered all of her features apart from her mouth. She had made her own alterations to the mask, making use of the love of art she had inherited from her mother. The mask was made from a lightweight steel as opposed to traditional materials, with a single red tear streaming down from the left eye.

She climbed atop the balcony and took a brief look at her room before leaping into the darkness below. It was time for the true fun to begin, she thought as she plummeted from the tower.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2022 ⏰

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