Chapter 14

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"Time to go home," the Doctor said, spinning to face Tea. "Leadsworth was it?"

"Actually, Doctor, I..." Tea began. "I think I was traveling with a future version of you."

"You're not all that surprised by it," the Doctor said.

"By what?" Tea asked.

"By future versions of me."

"I've had bigger things to worry about."

He paused.

"Do you really not remember?" The Doctor asked, searching Tea's eyes.

"Remember what?"


This Doctor had a knack for getting uncomfortably close.

"I knew you before my Doctor?"

"I am the Doctor."

"Not the one I know."

"Then why..." He held her face in his hands. "You have no idea who I am."

He slumped on the steps to the TARDIS console, dragging a hand over his face.

"You knew who River was," he said.

"I met her once before this."

"She knows you fairly well."

"We had a memorable interaction."

"Aren't all interactions with you?"

"Not usually."

The Doctor sighed. "Where?"

"I'm sorry. I wish I could remember."

"Don't. Perhaps it's for the better," the Doctor said. "Where?"


"What year?"

"I don't know."

The Doctor offered his hand for her to take. She did. He walked her to the console and placed her hand on it.

"Stay here," he said. "The TARDIS will be able to get a read of where you've stopped in the time matrix."

His gaze lingered on her scars for a moment too long.

He leaned past her to pull a lever before working his way to flip switches and push buttons around the console. The TARDIS whirred and shuddered. Its take off seemed more gentle than usual.

The TARDIS squealed.

The whirring stopped.

They'd landed.

"I'm sorry," Tea repeated.

The Doctor stopped.

"Don't," he said. "Don't apologize. You've lived enough of your life apologizing for things that weren't your fault. I won't be another one of those."

"How" Tea blinked.

"Just because you don't remember me, doesn't mean I don't remember you," the Doctor said.

"A door, once opened, can be stepped through in either direction," Tea said, the words from a dream dripping off her tongue.

"Where did you hear that?" The Doctor stiffened.

"A dream," Tea said.

"A memory," the Doctor corrected.

She reached her hand out to trace his face. "Why wouldn't I remember a man like you?"

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