Chapter Eleven

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(A/N) FINALLY UPDATING! I AM SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO *insert a million more SO's here* SORRY! I got the worst and longest writer's block ever ._. Four months, god damn. I promise I'll try to update more, as much as school work allows!

I would like to thank anybody who has read and afe reading this fanfic so much, I honestly can't believe this story has over 3.2K reads. Thank you so much! I love any feedback you give me, even if it is bad or one worded!

Anyway, I finally got the best idea for this chapter. This chapter has all three POV's! Just to prevent confusion while reading: Julianna is normal text, Louis is bold text, and Harry is italicized text. I hope you enjoy this chapter!


Monday morning, a time I personally hate with a burning passion. But I only had today before I went home!

Hopefully I figure out where the fuck me and Harry stand. Friday night he kissed me twice and then on Saturday when we worked on the project, it was either strictly on topic or awkwardly silent. I didn't invite him home yesterday 'cause I didn't want a repeat.

We kind of had to talk today, I mean we do have two classes together, both which we sit next to each other. I laid in bed after I finished getting ready. I got ready really fast, surprisingly. I only curled my hair and that took the longest. I'd say I look pretty good today, for no apparent reason. I had put on a denim shirt and black leggings, an infinity scarf resting on my chest and neck.

I sit up and tug my white knit boot socks up to right under my knees. I decided to keep my boots off for a while longer. I grabbed my phone and was about to text Ryder. It's two in the morning there. Great. I scrolled to Louis. What the hell, I decide and text him.

Me: Hey LouBear! :)

Louis: Hey JuJu Bean! :) Ready for another day of fun academic learning? .-.

Me: Nope ._. But I'm ready to go home! I'm gonna get you a cupcake or something! :)

Louis: You really don't have to! Thank you though <3

Me: Cheeky aren't you ;)

Louis: Did you really just use the word 'cheeky'? :o

Me: Oh. My. God....

Me: My pillow feels wierd >.<

Louis: That was random... Mine feels fine :3

Me: I wonder if those fancy Asian pillows on tv actually feel good

Louis: Same! Hey, Jules?

Me: Yeah, Lou?

Louis: Can we walk to school together? I know you walk alone and so do I so might as well make it better with a friend, right?

I smile and text him my address, I pull on my boots and quickly check the little make up I have. I sling my backpack on and blindly fix my hair as I head downstairs and grab a bottle of Gatorade and gulp it down, leaving my mom staring at me in confusion. "Why are you in such a rush?" She asks.

"Lou is gonna be here any minute," I smile after wiping my mouth with the heel of my hand.

She looks at me, "I thought you and Harry had a... whatever you had."

"Well I'm gonna try to figure out what exactly is that 'whatever' today and that doesn't mean I can't walk to school with Louis," I explain.

My mom nods, seeming to understand. "Just be careful," She reminded and went back to making breakfast for my dad and brother. I finished the Gatorade and put the bottle in the trash bin. I checked my Twitter and looked at the tweets from last night from Karen, Jordan, Ryder and all of them. I had missed yet another exciting night apparently. I sigh when my phone vibrates with a text notification.

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