"Based on my research, I noticed that your reason for being suspected is unknown, is that true?"

"Yes, it is."

"Where were you the exact time of the murder?"

"I was in the room across where Lee Jiho was murdered."

"Oh really? That's quite interesting. Did you hear any screaming, perhaps? Any strange noises?"

Nervousness was displayed on his face. It was very obvious what he was feeling right now. I just tilted my head, continuing to smile.

"I heard Jiho screaming. She was saying something, but I couldn't make out the words."

"If you were so close, why weren't you the one to report the murder?"

"I wasn't sure of my thought process at that exact moment. Everyone reacts differently to these types of things. When I heard her screaming, I froze. I was afraid that I would be involved in some sort of way."

"Well that sure backfired on you, didn't it? Because now you're a suspect and that's even worse!" I laughed.

He didn't seem too thrilled.

"Next!" I said, looking at Hwan. He looked straight back at me, almost like he was prepared to answer anything that came out of my mouth.

"You were seen exiting out the building the day of the murder, why is that?"

"I had to do something for student council."

"And what was that?"

"We—student council—were recently shipped boxes of items for our upcoming fundraiser. Yoonah also knows this. She was also there, helping out the student councils secretary. Anyway, we had to transfer them to another room in the building. If you don't believe me, you can ask Yoonah."

"Oh I believe you. You mentioned the student councils secretary, correct? And who is that?"

"Lee Yejun."

"Lee Yejun," I chuckled, "The same Lee Yejun who was murdered in the student council room?"


"You were there, weren't you? You were with her?"


"And you had her blood on your hands?"


"Isn't that ironic? That both times someone was murdered, you just happened to be there? And for student council specifically?"

"Are you saying I killed Yejun??"

"Of course not! But it's always a possibility."

"He did not kill her! What he said about him being present during Jiho's death is completely true! And I know he didn't do it because I was with him!! Hwan, Yejun, and I were all together that night working on the same thing!" Yoonah randomly blurted, clearly frustrated with me.

"I'm sorry, Yoonah, but did I ask?" I giggled.

"Oh you fucking asshole!!" She yelled, but was hushed by Seojin.

"Where was I? Ah I forgot.. what a shame."

Gwan Seohyun's POV
There was a lot of commotion during this meeting. I just kept silent the entire time. It's best to just not get involved.

After we finished eating, an older woman who was a waitress stopped by our table.

"We had these muffins sitting by and I just thought the can't go to waste!" She sat them down on our table and waddled off.

I was hesitant to take them, but everyone else did right away.

When I bit into it, it tasted strange. Almost... iron like?

Suddenly I heard a loud coughing noise. It sounded like someone was gasping for air. When I looked up, I saw Hwan, who was sitting across from me, holding his throat and coughing out huge waves of blood.


He collapsed onto the floor and was gripping onto the chair. Blood was running down the sides of his mouth like a river.

My eyes grew wide and I looked at everyone else to see their reactions. Everyone seemed either in shock or in panic, but Heejin...

Heejin was glaring at him, the corners of her mouth curling into a smirk.

I was so stunned, I didn't even notice the others screaming as a sharp razor blade shot out from his mouth.

"Holy shit!!" I gasped.

He pulled himself up and ran out to the bathroom, a trail of blood droplets followed after.

"What the hell? Was that inside his muffin??" I asked.

"I think so!" said Seojin.

I turned my head to the sound of someone throwing up. That's when I noticed that Sungho was no longer at the table. He was standing outside of the kitchen with his hand over his mouth, puke oozing out.

I rushed over to him and instantly understood why.

In the kitchen, there was a boy hanging, completely unclothed. His stomach was wide open and his intestines were pouring out. I looked at my muffin and noticed how red it was. Then I noticed the tip of a finger inside.

I threw it onto the ground, screaming for the others as I ran outside. I needed to get out of here. Right now.

Whoever was here wanted to frighten us all.

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