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        AUGUST EVERS WAS " the perfect girl." she was classy yet chill. sophisticated yet spunky. mature yet she knew how to be the life of the party she was the person girls aspired to be, and the boys wanted to be with. she was the girl parents wished the child was. august was never really into the boys that chased after her, drawn to her like a moth to a flame. she felt different from the rest of her friends; she never really understood why they were so boy crazy, that it was all that they could talk about at sleepovers. whilst her friends obsessed with the top actors, august found herself looking more at the female leads. 

august was thirteen when she had her first boyfriend, his name was josh and he lived down the street from her. she babysat his younger sisters. august liked josh, she really did, she liked his cheeky side smile, and the scar on his upper lip from when he ran into the oven. when august was thirteen she also realized she liked girls too, it was a confusing time for august as she'd never met anyone who liked both girls and guys, so she pushed her feelings away. her and josh broke up three months later. it didn't change much in august's life, but she did tell her mom, that she liked both boys and girls.

DAWN EVERS WAS august's mom. her mom only had august when she was fifteen, and the pair have always been close. the ever's family never had a lot of money but it never bothered them. august often turned down invitations to hangout with her friends for her mom, they never really understood why but it wasn't something that august could explain; her and her mom just had a special connection. dawn was the "cool" mom. the type that all of august's friends loved. you could say that dawn was more of a friend than a parent to august; as she let her drink at thirteen, and never gave her a curfew. 

AUGUST ALWAYS wanted to be in the entertainment industry. when she told her ex boyfriend that she wanted to be a model however he said, " not with your body type." august had been fucked over her whole life, from her friends, boyfriends, and even her boss. when she finally made it in the modeling and acting industry, she wasn't going to let anything ruin it. she wanted more than anything to prove to the people that hurt her so many times, that she could do it, that she did do it. 

avery's add on's! 

ahhh the prologue!!!

 first chapter should be out soon :) 

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