Chapter One

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"Hey Mr Jones!" Peter smiled widely as John Jones walked into the common area kitchen/ lounge and dining area of the Avenger's Tower,

"Peter, what did you call me here for?" John asked the young man who was dating his oldest daughter, has been dating her for 4 years now, he hated to admit it but he did think Peter was a really good boyfriend to Michelle,

"I had a few things I wanted to talk to you about plus I thought we could get to know each other more," Peter replied smiling nervously, "kind of a guys day! my dad and a few uncles are joining, we're having a barbecue while the woman are out for their spa day," he added gesturing to his mixed odd hero family,

"Right..." John nodded slowly smiling and laugh as he greeted the guys, he had meet them a few times before and they always got along, the first time through he felt a bit out of place but came to learn quite fast they were normal men like him,

"Hey Ned, how have you been?" John asked Peter's best friend and the boy who he liked because he tried Michelle like a sister and was always ready to protect her,

"I'm good Mr Jones, Peter, MJ and I are all so busy building the teams suits in the labs so its been a bit hectic but other then that I'm good!" Ned smiled happily as he always did, "MJ said Mrs Jones was sick a few days ago, is she alright now?"

John chuckled and nodded, "Yes, she's okay, thank you for asking,"

"Hey Mr Jones, I was hoping to talk with you before we ate?" Peter walked up to them smiling looking a bit anxious,

"I suppose we can, what did you want to talk about?" John turned to talk with him not seeing the thumbs up Ned was giving Peter behind him, 

Peter gulped, "Um... actually..." he breathed out needing to calm down, "MJ said you liked music! and that you always sing to Mrs Jones on special occasion. She has always said she loved that about you, you always sung about her mom, even when her mom wasn't around," he rambled nervously,

"Peter get to the point," John told the boy amused,

"I have a song! That I kind of want to sing to you because I'm bad at words!" Peter told him fast, "and I want to do something MJ loves and this is really important,"

John narrowed his eyes a bit suspiciously but nodded, "Fine boy, you can sing your song," he agreed taking a seat, "you wanna hope you choose the right song to sing about my daughter,"

Peter nervously laughed and grabbed his guitar he often strummed along to songs as Michelle would lie on his bed and listen to him as she read her books, "Okay, you can do this..." Peter mumbled to himself as he sat on a chair opposite John breathing out to calm down and begun to strum the strings,

Sir, I'm a bit nervous
'Bout being here today
Still not real sure what I'm going to say
So bare with me please
If I take up too much of your time

Peter begun softly smiling anxiously at John who listened to the lyrics and frowned thinking about what this could be and wasn't sure if he was ready,

See in this box is a ring for your oldest
She's my everything and all that I know is
It would be such a relief if I knew that we were on the same side
Very soon I'm hoping that I...

He continued, shakily but trying to contain it as Ned placed the ring box on the table for Peter having been keeping it safe for this time to come, John looked at it before Peter before back to the box again looking conflicted,

Can marry your daughter
And make her my wife
I want her to be the only girl that I love for the rest of my life
And give her the best of me 'till the day that I die, yeah

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