The discussion

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3 person POV 

As all the sleepy vampires sleepily float into the cave. Gregory felt very nervous. He was going to tell his entire family and clan about Daya. The most important person in his life. And that he is a father. To say he was shaking an understatement.Rudolph notice this. So he asks his brother "Gregory are you ok you seem tense". Gregory was a little irritated with his brother but understood he's concern. So Gregory said " I'm not sure Rudolph I'm about to tell our parents, the Thomson's, and the entire clan about my son, daughter, and Daya. What if they don't accept my kids and Daya. What if they want to hurt them". Rudolph can't help but feel bad for his brother, he may not know what happened with the twins mother, or how Gregory met Daya but Gregory was his brother he would defend him if all he had. He would defend his niece and nephew with everything he had. He would defend Daya with everything he had, even if he had only met her tonight. For some reason he felt a spark with Daya, Rudolph didn't know what it was but he liked it a lot. 

Before Rudolph could say anything else his father (Fredrick SackVile-bagg) said "my sons what is the meaning of the midnight meeting". Gregory knew it was time to talk "father I have something very important to tell you, the Thomson's, and the clan. Rudolph is helping me explain". The second Gregory finished his sentence there was a glow of gold. And out of the gold came a girl with two babies in her hands to the clan, but the Rudolph and Gregory this girl was Daya with Rosemary and Peter in her arms. The fear in Gregory could be felt by everyone in the cave. Then the girl (Daya) spoke "well that went better than expected I got here on the first try". All the vampires in the cave were shocked to say the least. A girl holding two babies, and what confused everyone even more was the girl spoke to the sons of the leader of the vampire clan. They all started to hiss at her. Daya wasn't scared but Rudolph and Gregory were. Daya walked over to Rudolph not paying attention to all the vampires hissing at her. She handed Rosemary to Rudolph smiling. This made the all the vampires hiss more, all except Anna. For some reason she felt as if her brothers were safe. The smile on her brother Rudolph face was nice. He hadn't smiled like that since he found out about her and Tony.

The hissing of the vampires woke up the twin. They began to cry there little eyes out. Rudolph and Daya began to calm the twin down but they still  whimpered. Gregory was not having it. He yelled "ALL OF YOU SHUT UP". Everyone became silent. Anna slowly floated up to Daya and Rudolph. Rudolph didn't know what his sister was planning. He quickly handed the whimpering Rosemary  to Daya. He stepped in front of Daya and the twin in a protective way. Anna was hurt by this, did her big brother really think she would hurt babies and the girl who made him smile. Daya could see the sadness in Anna's eyes. Quickly moving away from Rudolph she slowly approaches Anna. Rudolph reaches is to grab Daya's hand to pull her back but Gregory stopes him. Rudolph looks at his brother like he is crazy but Gregory know what Daya is doing. When Daya is within an arms length of Anna Daya gives her a kind smile that would melt the heart if the cruelest person. Anna slowly smile and looks at the twins in Daya's arms. Daya slowly hands Peter to Anna. Anna smile at the little boy in her arm. With this Rudolph calms down. Everyone in the cave watches as the two girls talk softly to keep the little babies quiet. 

This is when Gregory speaks up "know that you are all quiet may I have your attention". Everyone in the cave stops looking at the girls and looks at the two boys. Gregory says "ok now I'm not going to beat around the bush so the babies in the girls and Anna's arm are mine. Know before you interrupt let me finish". Everyone give odd looks but doesn't interrupt. Gregory then speaks again "ok the girls name is Daya is is a born witch". Immediately whispers break out between everyone this irritates Gregory. But this time Rudolph speaks up " Stup it you all said you would shut up and be quiet". Everyone quietest down and Gregory says "ok thank you Rudolph now about the twins. I met there mother about two years ago. Her name is Ari. I met her 2 months after we got rid of Rookery. She was in the Daya's meadow taking roses. Ari and Daya were arguing. Daya said that the roses were special that could only be grown with special water from a lake. Ari was pissed that Daya was not letting her take the roses. That's when the girls noticed me. At the time I didn't now that Ari was trying to swoon me. Ari is good at putting faces. Ari tried to make me make Daya give her to roses. Of course I was "in love" with the girl in front of me. Daya decided that she would be the bigger person and gave the roses to not to Ari. Daya told me that the lake water she use to make these roses need a special potion to find the lake. She also told me that the potion would only be brewed on a blood moon. And she didn't have enough lake water to plant more roses, she warned me not to give them all to Ari".

" Thankfully I wasn't completely under Ari's spell. I kept 3 roses, and gave the rest to Ari. Me and Ari kept meting up. One thing led to another and well I guess she got pregnant. But I didn't know. I found out that she was working with Rookery. She was using me. She never loved me. I guess when she found out that she was pregnant she left. I never saw her after that. I was so depressed that I found my way back to Daya's meadow. She came up to me a helped me though everything.  Daya is a born witch as I have said. Know it is not my job I tell her story" Gregory states. Gregory looks at Daya as if asking her to tell her story. Daya sighs. And nods.

Daya states " well my biological father was a hybrid. A mix of werewolf and vampire. My mom is a witch. My mom had an affair with my bio dad. A couple of days after my birth my home was attacked. I was taken. But I was able to defeat the whole army of people that toke me. That's when the man my mom was married to found out that i was not his kid. But he still loved me. You see the only way to be a born witch is to be a tribird. The man I call dad was a wizard. My mom a witch. So there was no possible way for me to be a born witch. But he loved me nonetheless. On my 9th birthday A war broke out. My older half-sister saved me and got me out of there but she died in the process. I live in the meadow for long time after that. Don't mind Gregory that's all I'd like to share". Gregory nods in understanding. Then Rudolph states "we can continue discussing this discussion in the morning the suns almost up". 

And that was how do you love between Rudolph and Daya began. And the fall of one of the twins.


Author: hi I hope you like this chapter have a nice day/night/afternoon 

Gregory: Hey what do you mean by the fall of one of the twins

Gregory: Hey why are you not answering me Author

Author: ummm bye.

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