We have to tell the family about Daya and the twins

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Rudolph POV 

Are we are flying a realized that we can't go into a human store. We have no human money. Looking at Daya's list I see it's really expensive. 

Daya's list 

Lots of bibs

Burp cloths

Bottle and nipple brush Formula (be sure to check expiry date and note the lot number in case of recalls)

Thermal bottle carrier

Two boxes of newborn-size diapers (it's better not to buy too many in advance in case your baby is large or grows quickly)

Changing pad Baby ointment or other barrier cream to prevent rash

Disposable wipes or a couple dozen washcloths for cleaning baby's bottom

 16 undershirts or onesies (mix of short-sleeve and long-sleeve)

10 nightgowns (for use until the cord falls off)

16 one-piece stretchy sleepers (go for ones with zippers; new moms swear by them!)

10 pairs of pants

4 newborn hats

16  pairs of socks or booties, to wear with nightgowns and outfits

4 pairs of scratch mittens, to keep baby from scratching his/her  face

4 cardigans or jackets, more in winter

Bunting bag or snowsuit for winter baby for infants

8 outfits for dressing up (optional) 

Laundry detergent for infants 

6 large cotton 


16 receiving blankets (they also make handy burp cloths) 

2 plastic infant tub (or use a large dishpan in the sink, or take baby in the bath with you)

24 washcloths, not used on baby's bottom

Baby soap or cleanser Baby soft-bristled hair brush

6 soft-hooded towels

 Approved crib and crib mattress

3 waterproof mattress 

covers4 fitted crib sheets 

4 light blankets that fit in the crib

Sleep sack 

Approved infant safety seat for car

Stroller that reclines so newborn can lie flat 

Bulb syringe for suctioning mucous

Baby thermometer

Eye dropper or medicine spoon

Medication in case of fever

Baby monitor Change table (or just use change pad on top of dresser or bed)

Rocking chair  


Sling or baby carrier

Diaper bag

1 or 2 change pads

Plastic hangers for closet

Sun shade for car windows

2 or 4 pacifiers (if you choose to use these)

Rattles and other baby toys


Night light 

This list was very long. While looking at it I hadn't realized I stopped flying. Then Gregory stopped flying, he looked at me with confused eyes. I flew over to him showing him the list. I guess it only occurred to him know that we had to got to a human store. But baby things at a HUMAN store with no FUCKING HUMAN MONEY. Dottie (Tony's mom) has human money along with Bob (Tony's dad). We just floated there looking at each other. Gregory looked at me as if he knew what that I knew what we needed to do. We both know that if we want to get the thing for the twins we needed help from our family(they consider the Thomson's family). 

When they get home 

Finally reaching the castle we both nod at each other. I turn left Gregory turn right. I go to wake up the Thomson's, mother, father, and Anna. Gregory to wake up the rest of the clan. Flying into mother and father's room. Busting open there coffins. I yell at them to wake up at go to the cave (there is a cave under the castle this is were the balls and meetings happen). To the Thomson's room I go. I greatly wake up Dottie and Bob. Telling them they are needed in the cave. Busting into Tony and Anna's room yelling them they are needed in the cave. Flying out of the room all I can think is how are we going to tell the clan about the twins and Daya. Gregory will have to tell everyone who the twins mother is. GREAT LIFE IS GREAT!!!

 Have a good day/night. Hope you liked this chapter. :) 

Also  I have another book if you want check it out.

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