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Would you call out a Demon just to prove it doesn't exist? For what if it does exist, what then?

Why tempt something just to prove it doesn't exist? For indeed what if it does exist? All legends, no matter if they are pleasant and nice or dark and dangerous, come from somewhere. They need a point of origin; yeah, there is many a story, many a legend that comes from the minds of ordinary or perhaps not so ordinary people.

Fathers and mothers putting their restless children's minds at ease telling of make-believe fairies and little people, toy bunny rabbits that come to life when the child sleeps, protecting their dreams and keeping them safe until the morning comes.

Many a storyteller comes up with new ideas or reinvents old ones. Ghosts and ghouls, restless spirits beyond the trees so deep in the forest that if one were to seek one out then such a spirit would prevent you from ever leaving that forest again. Tales of lost souls walking long stretches of road from which they lost their life upon, having returned to seek some kind of revenge.

Then there are stories which become skewed or embellished in its retelling, becoming so much more than what they initially set out to be. And yeah, there are stories, legends based in reality, stories based on actual events so unbelievable that they become legend.

Indeed, one would definitely wonder why a legend would be challenged especially in the off chance that it really is based in reality and more importantly one would wonder why another would take on a legend where in order to challenge that certain legend one would have to perpetrate a horrible act or crime.

In the small city-like out of the way community of Castletown, serious crime is next to being completely eradicated as there is a story, a legend that ensures the safety of those who live within the town's confines. In this lies its own problem. Since everyone knows of this legend, there will always be those who will not only want to challenge said legend but actually see it through or prove it to not only be unrealistic but untrue too.

There have been many who do want to make a challenge but never will, though there will always be someone who has never before committed a serious crime and potentially never would have committed a serious crime who will do so in an attempt to evoke the legend or publically dismiss it as being nothing more than something spoken a long time ago and carried on through the years to deter future wrongdoing.

As it goes, if one were to commit a crime especially a crime which sees another harmed in any way, shape or form then he will come for said perpetrator to deliver his own brand of justice for he knows who is guilty, there can be no denial, if you are guilty, he will come for you, see right through you and he will get you. He will be your judge, jury, and executioner, punishing you however he sees fit. The worse the crime committed, the more devastating the harm inflicted, the worse the punishment.

He is other worldly, some say a spirit, some say a demon, everyone knows him as The Undertaker for more often than not, he will bury those he comes for and those he does come for do not necessarily need to die prior to being buried.

The story even goes so far to the point that this Undertaker even has his own cemetery, his own section of land hidden within the town where those he lays to rest are gathered together six feet underground, marked only with a small nameless wooden cross.

Can you imagine not wanting to find out that this legend really exists, for in order to prove that it does, you must commit a crime, the worse the crime the more likely he will come for you, and if you kill ... as the legend goes ... you can rest assure that your own death comes soon and your final resting place will be within a grave in The Undertaker's cemetery.

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