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In between the back gardens of the houses on the street I live on and the houses on the next street behind my street there is a laneway, but this laneway was never of any real use, well at least not of any use to me as at the end of my back garden there is a seven foot high brick wall so there is no way to enter this lane way unless I climb this seven foot high wall and there is no point in doing that. Well things changed somewhat about eight days ago, as I write this, and I have absolutely no explanation for it.

When I went out into the back yard on that day, eight days ago, I was more than surprised to find that there was a wooden door at the end of the garden. It was right smack in the middle of the brick wall. It had never been there before; there had always just been nothing but the brick wall. The door was covered in writing from many different languages. Some of these writings looked as if they were written in ink while others seemed carved into the door.

The largest of these writings was in Spanish. 'La puerta del Diablo' -- basically meaning 'the devil's gateway'. With languages never being a forte of mine, somehow, I was able to read all the foreign language writing on the door in the instant I first saw them. I can't explain how I was able to read and understand these languages, I just somehow was able to, and one statement on this door which basically spoke directly to me, strangely informed me that I was either the key to salvation or the key to destruction.

Key ... key ... speaking of which, I apparently didn't need one. All I had to do was to turn the knob handle and the door would open so that is what I did ... I opened the door and walked through. As I did so I almost fell, I felt extremely disorientated. It only took a moment or two though when I began to feel more normal, more myself, I would soon realize that things were nowhere near normal at all.

I was standing facing my house rather than standing out in the laneway I thought I had walked into, and when I turned to look, the door was no longer in the wall. Could I have been having some sort of daydream? I didn't think so, and I pinched myself to make sure.

A neighbour peered over the wall between our gardens and when he saw me his whole face immediately turned pale white just before saying 'holy cow man, it can't be you, you can't be here, you're dead' and he didn't waste any time in heading back into his house, I called out 'wait, what do you mean I'm dead'. My neighbour had gone inside and locked his door.

Things soon were to become all the more strange, I went inside my house and everything was not as I had left it only moments earlier. There were photos I didn't recognize, the carpets and wallpaper were all different, if this really was some sort of daydream then it was coming with one hell of a kick. That disorientated feeling I had when I walked through the door in the wall, a door that now was no longer in the wall, came over me again and I collapsed.

I awoke in hospital. A doctor asked me how I was feeling. I told him I felt fine which was an honest and true answer. He told me that was an amazing thing since I had been dead for close to three years. I told him about the door I had come across and the doctor informed me that there would be someone to come in and talk with me soon. I feared the worst, was I to be analyzed 'till the cows come home?

My neighbour came into see me asking as to how it was possible that I was and am alive. I told him about the door, and he told me about the last three years, and that I had died in an accident, an accident that never happened, well not for me anyway. I don't remember any such accident, indeed there hadn't been one. Another thing that I found somewhat strange was the date. It was the right date for that day, so I had not moved forward through time or anything like that.

If time travel could be ruled out as an explanation for what was going on, and if I could be sure that I indeed was not daydreaming then maybe I could consider that I may have entered some sort of parallel universe. I have always had an open mind so such a thing as travelling through time or to a parallel world does not seem such an impossibility to me, unlikely yeah, but not impossible.

ALL IN THE HEAD 1Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang