Valentine's Day

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Mom: When are you and Killian getting married and making me a grandma?

Emma groans in frustration when she reads the text.

Are you freaking kidding me?

She goes on one date and already her mother is asking when they're getting married and having kids?

Ugh, so typical.

The woman is so desperate to have her first grandbaby, she's completely lost it.

Emma: We went on one date, mother. I haven't even seen him since New Year.

She sets down her phone and gets back to her work.

Or at least she tries.

She's elbow deep in a case, trying to track down a fugitive she's already spent several weeks searching for when an incoming video chat pops up on her computer screen. Emma reluctantly accepts it, knowing her mother won't stop pestering her until she answers.

"Mom, I'm working."

Her mother furrows her brows in disapproval, studying her ensemble with a critical eye. "That's what you wear to work?"

Emma refrains from rolling her eyes. Her mother always has something to criticize her for. "I'm at home, tracking down a fugitive."

Her mother raised a brow. "You could at least throw on a nice top. Attempt to look like you're putting in an effort."

Emma brings her hands together and chews on the inside of her cheek, refraining from responding to her mother's delightful remark. She's about two seconds away from throwing her computer out the window. And her phone. She takes a breath and plants her hands on her desk. "Is there a reason you called? Other than to insult me?"

Her mother immediately smiles excitedly. "I want you to meet someone!" She turns her phone slightly to capture the man sitting next to her. "This is our new neighbor, Graham."

"Hello," the man greets with a wave and an Irish accent.

Emma politely waves back, inwardly cringing. She has to admit the man is attractive, with brown curly hair and a beard-he looks like the rugged outdoorsy type-but she knows her mother wouldn't introduce her to some random man without an ulterior motive. Emma knows exactly what her mother is up to.

"Graham is a doctor..." she gushes proudly and moves the phone close to her mouth, lowering her voice to a whisper as if Graham won't be able to hear, even though he's sitting right next to her, "and he's single."

Emma buries her face in her hands, groaning, but she can still hear her mother whisper to Graham, "She's much prettier with makeup."

Emma's eyes widen as she lowers her hands and gapes at her mother. "I am wearing makeup!"

Her mother completely ignores her. "Graham is free on Valentine's, so I was thinking-"

"Goodbye, Mother!" Emma quickly ends the call, huffing in frustration.

As she rolls her eyes yet again at her mother's antics, her gaze lands on a certain business card that is still on her desk. She had plugged Killian's contact info into her phone but after New Year's Eve, she hadn't planned on contacting him again. It was just too dangerous. The kiss they shared had blown her mind and flipped her world upside down. And she's afraid if she sees him again, she'd want more. But she can't want more. She's done with relationships.

Emma pulls up his number on her phone, tempted to call him. But it's probably a bad idea. No, it's definitely a bad idea. She sets her phone back on the desk.

Captain Swan - A Date for the Holidays (and everyday too would be nice)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora