.-* Chapter 3 *-.

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.-* Editor's Notice: This Chapter Very Well May Contain Mildly Distressing Scenes For Some Readers,  Hint At Sexual Actions Gore, Threats And Weaponry Ahead. Read At Your Own Risk. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. *-.

Jeff's POV:

I squinted my eyes open to see what had been the cause of my fall, whatever the fuck it was it was gonna pay. I look above me for my pale, blue eyes to be met with a pair of breath-taking ones. They resembled the freshest of clouds, yet the host of these eyes did not seem as welcoming. My attention shifted to the person towering over me. Of course the dimly lit woods made it unbelievably hard to make out any features, or at least it should have. This, well this I could see as clear as day for some odd reason, as if whoever it was wanted to make a "good" impression. I could feel it's breathing against my cheek.

Heavy. Cold. Sinister.

I observed the sharp point in between my eyes, a cone shape, in fact. It was striped with black and white all around and met with a white face, stained in thick layers of blood. The liquid glistened as my eyes glazed over it. I observed further to see a mess of straw-like hair that came down to around their shoulders, it had split ends and was obviously extremely dry. The smell coming from them was suffocating, it smelled like rotten meat left in a fridge for too long, mixed with sour milk. Disgusting! I felt a large, raggedy hand trail across my cheek, a gentle brush. Bone-chillingly gentle, in fact. So much so that I barely felt the claws, scraping against my skin, the cut on my mouth being irritated and letting out a few fresh drops of blood. I focused in on the crooked smile that emerged, lined with teeth as sharp as daggers.
A raspy laugh escaped the inhuman looking person. "Well aren't you the best entertainment!" He was mocking me, that BITCH! If I had to describe his personality in 1 word: Dickhead.
"Slender, do something!" I called out to the tall creature close beside me as the person took themselves off of me.
"Oh, come now. You can't blame me for having a little fun and games now, can you? It's irresistible with the rare amount of guests we get that we actually don't need to kill."
That was his excuse? Pathetic. But what was even more ridiculous is that Slenderman himself went along with it!
"Yeah. Now get off of my ally and leave my proxies out of your antics, Jack." I could hear the annoyance building in Slender's voice.
I heard a stiff sigh from this 'Jack' creature. He was definitely not a human, nowhere near that.
"I'm assuming that you're here to speak with Jason." Jack spoke with a hint of sarcasm, which nobody except me seemed to have caught.
Slender gave a nod in response and followed Jack, deeper into the woods until it was practically pitch black. I suddenly caught a glimpse of something amidst the trees and snapped branches, still dangling from the trunks. It gave a warm colour, like a sunrise on a cold winters day. Almost like the embers of hell (at least that's what I imagined) wait... fire?


I reluctantly continued walking, being forced forward by the proxies cramming together behind me.
"We're here!" I heard the demonic voice that belonged to Jack call out.


.-* Hello there! Hope you enjoyed reading this, I apologise for all the bad language but it's the creepypasta fandom, really. There's no avoiding it. If you have any feedback then please let me know! *-.

Jeff x Laughing Jack [DISCONTINUED.]Where stories live. Discover now