Chapter 28 || Flashback

Start from the beginning


"You're a fake!"

"Cheese Louis, I was playing! Ugh, do you want to see or not?"

"What can you do?"

Aiura held a finger to her lip and looked up, tilting her weight on one leg and shifting her crystal ball under arm dangerously.

"Hmm, let's see. Well, just the basic stuff like reading auras, seeing spirit animals, predicting probabilities, vague fortune telling, and even super specific details like telling you where that one good brownie you never got to finish went!"

"Awesome! And you use that ball?"

"I wanna see!"

"Eh," she groaned. "It's too decorated for me to actually see out of it. But I can usually just do something inspiring for it to pop out."

"Give me a fortune!"

"What's my aura?"

"Okay, let's see. Hm, you have a pretty soft aura about you. It's like a mix of orange and pink, signifying kindness and socialness! that means you're totes cool and sweet. I'll call you... Ichicreamu. Ya know, since your name is Ichika and you're sweet like icecream!"

"How'd you know my name!" the girl gasped in awe. Aiura giggled and tapped her crystal ball.

"I did a little looking into. I chose this school because there's supposedly someone powerful or as powerful as me here."

I perked up at that statement. It could be me. If so, she was very much real and therefore dangerous. She soon forgot about this, though, and went on to tell others about there readings.

"Your aura is spiked and blue, with occasional blobs of orange. You must be a very strongly opinionated person with many talents and an ability to bring out the best in others!"

She kept reading more auras and spirit animals, in which everyone agreed was shockingly accurate. This led to stories she told about her most bizzare experiences.

"Aiura, what's the weirdest aura you've seen?"

"Ah," she blurted, eyes widening in excitement. "There was this one girl at my old school; she was so crazy pretty everyone fell at her heels. And her aura was massive! It was bright and in the shape of angel wings. She was so perfect!"

"Who has the best aura here!?"

At that question she smirked, but as she looked around she began to frown.

"Something is off! My vision is like, totally foggy. Everyone's aura looks pretty much the same, but..." she trailed off. Closing her eyes, she began rotating to the corner of the classroom... where I sat.

Her eyes popped open and her jaw dropped. The thick mascara clung to her eyelashes and widened them, making her appear crazed.

"What's her name?" She asked, pointing to me.

"That? That's the weird kid Hinashi Kaiyato. "

"She doesn't talk."

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure she's sped."

Giggles irrupted as children exchanged rumors, but Aiura did not acknowledge them. Instead, she crept over to my desk and bowed to me.

"Aiura Mikoto! I'm a new psychic student!"

"...Hi," I said warely.

"I just wanted to say... you have a beautiful aura! it's huge, bright. the biggest i've ever seen! I just realized that like, your aura was so big, it like clouded up my vision! That's totally quirky and terrific! Don't you think? Won't you be my friend?"

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