Boarding School Life

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I bumbled along with the crowd. The hallways squeaking underneath the boys uniformed shoes. Girls moved along wedges making claking sounds.  Everyone moved slowly down the hallways that always looked the same. The same tiles and wood floors, the flourecint ceiling lights hurting my eyes. As well as the same people. Copies, clones of one another. Everyone on there way to their next class.  It's funny how repetitive life at a boarding school could be. Same cycle, same schedule, same everything every single day. I sighed as I walked, dragging my feet, into my third period. As I said before, it was the same cycle, over and over again. I sat in my normal seat towards the middle of the class. Opened my english book and began my lessons for the day. I grew up in boarding schools. Always going to the newest or the top one. I've never met my parents, and people doubted I had any at this point. But I knew somewhere out there I had them, who else would pay for all this schooling? They paid the expenses for the schools, i just knew it. But aside from that they didn't do anything else. I was classified as weird at my school. Or that one girl that's not enough. I had no friends and I certainly wouldn't fit into the it crowd here. You had to be perfect for that. I Annabeth Tulip Marie Grace Loraith most definitely wasn't perfect. My hair wasn't blonde or black it was a dirty blond. Girls here had to have perfectly golden manes, that never frizz and are always super shiny. My hair wasn't straight or curly, it was wavy. Another gasp bad thing to have. My eyes weren't blue or brown. They were to everyones horror, green. I wasnt tall or short, I was average. The list goes on and on. The bell rang signaling the end of that period and breaking me out of my thoughts. I closed my english book and joined everyone as they hustled and bustled to their next class. A loud engine could be heard outside the school as an airplane came towards us.
"Everybody get down!" Screamed a student as the building shook. Everyone ducked for cover. I ran underneath a table. Another thing, my country and the country of Lesivania have been in a war for centuries. It's been such a long war that no one can remember how it started. The bombing only lasted five minutes then everyone went back to doing what they were doing like nothing happened. I looked around and shrugged. People in England were very weird. Besides it was time for calculus. A very hard and boring class. I walked into class and sat in the middle of the room. Everyone knows the smarties sit up front, the trouble makers in the back, the pretties to the right, the borings to the left, and the average people smack in the middle. I leaned back in my chair and zoned out. It was Calculus and I didn't care for the class. Thirty minutes later the bell rang and I  gathered up my stuff along with everyone else. Then walked out the door. I wished just for once in my life things wouldn't be so repetitive, that my life would be different. Maybe I'd have an adventure some day.
"Annabeth Loriath please report to the front office, Annabeth Loriath please report to the front office." Finally an interruption in my schedule, I thought as I walked to the office. People stared me down as i walked past. Even if they were judgmental I was happy. Maybe my adventure was beginning. I passed people giving me curious looks, wondering what I had done. I just grinned and smiled at them. Hopefully they thought I had done something interesting. Finally I reached the office and stood outside the front door. I could hear voices inside but they were muffled. I crossed my arms and started studying the art on the wall. In wait of an impending doom that at that time I had no idea about.

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