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winter's headcanons:

» she's an otaku. one of the many reasons why she's currently in japan instead of america.
» her favorite food is fries, or anything like mashed potatoes. she has a taste for sweet potato fries as well.
» she was enrolled in school until she was eight, so from then on she was self taught.
» she can still get intoxicated despite nix's abilities.
» she would probably smell like citrus.
» despite being attracted towards people and eventually wanting to do more with them, she still gets anxious whenever someone puts their hands on her, even with her consent.
» her favorite color is green. anything but a dark forest green or unappealing to the eye.
» she only knows how to speak english and japanese fluently. even then she has a difficult time pronouncing some words.
» clowns remind her of her abusers for some reason, because 99% of the time they're an adult dressed up for kids parties, which means they're easily influential in a child's eyes.
» she has a soft spot for people just like nix. they have a rough exterior but deep down they're kind and care about the well being of others.

nix's headcanons:

» she is the first and (potentially) only one of her kind on earth.
» she hates dogs. don't ask her why, she just hates them.
» when/if winter is intoxicated, she can take control and be completely sober. the alcohol affects winter's mind, where nix's is more like a mask covering it.
» she began calling winter "ray" after joking around about her being a ray of sunshine, and that she's a summer baby, so it wouldn't make sense for her name to be winter.
» she can be easily bribed through cookies. she loves the taste of sweets ever since she tried them in winter's body.

more can/will be added!

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