"And let's hope I can take a little dessert home." Callie rolled her eyes and looked down at me who's still sitting on the floor with her suitcase laying flat.

"You mentioned the hall, but not the room. Which one's mine?"

"Pick whatever one you want. I don't think Mateo would mind." She nodded and flicked Dyiore off before walks away.

"I think she likes me." He spoke confidently, but I tried laughing since she just stuck her middle finger out.

"Oh yeah for sure."

"I just wanted to come and tell you we'll all be over later for dinner."

"Is that all you came here for." I smirked watching him get weak before he sighed in defeat

"You already know the main reason I came here." He checked his phone quick before saying he'd be back later and that now he had something to do.

"Ok that's fine, bye." I got up from the floor dusting my shorts and walking off to our room.

The only problem is, I don't know if he'd still want us to share a room. Well I know he does, but I don't know if I'm ready to   

So I walk to the left side of the house, taking the room beside our old one.

I put my suit cases in the closet, then walk out to Callie about to enter Mateo's room.

"I thought you and Mateo would be sharing?"

"Maybe later. How'd you know this was his room."

"Maybe it's the mirror above his bed, or the whole ass living room over there." She pointed at the tv then the couches at the side.

I laughed hearing a honk outside and seeing the same truck from the airport.

"Help me please." I asked Callie. I was about to lift 9 suit cases all by myself.

"No one told you to bring everything." And so she watched. She watched me bring two suitcases and struggle getting them upstairs.

She watched me bring another two, then another and then another until there was only one left.

I finally brought it inside and she was busy raiding the kitchen.

"Finally, I thought I was gonna eat the whole house, waiting for you to finish."

"You could have helped."

"I could have, but I didn't." Random guards walked in and out of the house bringing in random things then one guy brought an iPad to me and asked to sign it.

"Sorry what is this for?"

"Mateo Salvatore wants a special welcome for his wife. He said anyone staying at the house could sign except her." I watched Callie bite her lip, trying to contain her laughter.

"Yo big guy, did you even ask who Mateo Salvatore wife is?" She was so close to laughing but was able to hold it back.

"I'm assuming she out right now."

"That's her." Callie points at me, and he gives an apologetic smile.

"Please don't tell him ma'am, he specific told me he was gonna kill me if you found out."

"Don't worry-."

"she's definitely telling your boss."

"No I'm not. Don't worry. Have Callie sigh it and I'll pretend you were never here." He smiled then thanked me as I went to raid the kitchen.

"Do you know where he is?"

"He's at the warehouse." I nodded pouring a glass of pineapple juice into three glasses.

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