"Auntie Nettie I have sooooo much to tell you!" Mari said over the phone as soon as she had it on hand and started talking while walking and floating from side to side as her uncle watched her.

"Why does it sound like she's a 14 year old spilling gossip to her friends?" Jason said from behind which didn't bother Damian at all.

"A- Marinette is on the line so I assume that she will go on and on about tonight." Damian answered.

"God help me if she ever turns into a teen spilling out gossip or even about love life to her friends. WHAT AM I GONNA DOOOOO?! My baby girl is already on her way there just look!" Dick said from Damian's other side.

Jason snorted, "Geez chill dad she's just happy, pixie usually has that effect remember?"

"B- I guess, seems that's why Damian had a look of content and daze when blueberry was on screen." Dick commented. Jason agreed. Damian though was already thinking of how he was going to handle the conversation after Mari finished the call.

"He's on a daze again isn't he?" Jason whispered to Dick.

"Pretty much yeah." Dick only replied.

"... and then Uncle Dami was really like a statue, his eyes were on the tv and was too what was it focused on how you were performing! It was weird I couldn't even get his attention away from it. Oh and then and then Great grandpa A-alfred had this idea that.."

While Mari was describing how Damian's focus was on Marinette, well on screen, her Uncle Dami blushed and little did she know Marinette was the same and Chloe was more than willing to tease her later for it.

Minutes that felt like hours passed and Dick had signaled for Mari to say good night.

"Just a bit more Dad pleaseeee" Mari tried to beg but obliged after a minute or two.
"Well good night auntie Nettie I hope I can speak to you again or even better see you again soon. I miss you and so does Uncle Dami."

Damian froze, 'Mari why did you say that...'

Mari gave back the phone not hearing Marinette's response to what she had just said.
Damian though...

"I miss you too and well I miss your uncle- I mean I miss your uncles and the whole family there as well. Hehe good night Mari" Marinette said over the phone, her little slip didn't go soooo unnoticed by Damian though.

As Dick and Mari were gone from sight Jason went as well giving Damian the room.

"Well, I- uh hope that we didn't bother you as much Ang- Marinette." Damian couldn't help it as he was thinking, 'Did she miss me wait why do I sound clingy goodness Marinette you still affect me so much.'

"I- uh well yah, I mean n-no it's fine r-really, I'm glad you guys still managed to enjoy the show and uh- yah. Sorry that was a bit awkward Mari uh told a lot, and Damian I'm glad you're doing better... I-" Marinette did want to say that she missed him. She was happy for the progresses he did but she was thinking if it was too early to say that she did.

"I did enjoy the show, how can I not my g- friend was a star performing each show with great execution just like your fighting skills. If I may ask though, w-when do you think you'll be returning to Gotham? F-for business I mean, I uh suggested to father to expand on Wayne Ent to the business of clothing." It was a partial lie but he wanted to know when he will be able to physically see her again.

"Well, we're not sure but hopefully 2 or 3 months from now. Though if needed you do have my contact and can message me the details, I'd be happy to help with the idea." Marinette replied with a hint of business tone.

"Well I gotta go Dami- Damian it was nice talking to you and Mari again." Marinette added.

"Alright I guess I'll see you later? I mean like you estimated, see you in maybe after two to three months?"

"Yeah see ya De-Damian"

"See you Marinette."

Neither heard of the other's whisper, as they placed the phone away from their ear thumb on the end call icon.

"I miss you"

~Call Ended~

With that both were left to think of how the other was and if their emotions still were like how they were before, before the chaos and cool-off.

A/N: okay so... I'm sorry but I know this chapter isn't enough for how long you guys may have been waiting. I'm sorry school has just been very demanding. I may do this more on summer break.
My mental health isn't as well healthy right now so I'm gonna have to give my head a break. I love you all and I am not discontinuing this I don't plan to.

FALLING:  ANOTHER CHANCE  - A Daminette Fanfic (ON HAITUS)Where stories live. Discover now