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(bein honest I forgot about the time differences and stuff like that sooooo this is a complete mess.... I'll try to fix that tho....)

In the digital age, it's hard not to hear any news of something even if you are half way across the Atlantic... or was it the Artic... (my dumb brain wanted to add that so bear with me)

After the meet and greet, signings and photo-offs with her fans, Mari was exhausted and it was just a bit pass 5 in the afternoon. (weird I know I'm sorry)

On the way home she had read a text from Damian,

'Hi Angel, seems like you had a lot of fun there. I wanted to ask if you can help me fulfill a promise? I know we haven't fully reconciled and all but Mari had watched your concert, thank Bourgeois for that, anyway Mari wanted to talk to you and I couldn't say no to her... so mind helping me out after your concert?' -Damian

'Sure, perhaps after I get to the hotel I'll call you' -Mari

Very much like her fans Marinette was tired.

It wasn't her fans that fueled that though.

With a sigh Mari plopped onto her bed, she needed a little rest before changing out.

"Why did I even try to communicate with them?" She asked Chloe who was taking off her make up.

"You're a nice person you just wanted to at least try too clear it up but hey if it makes you feel any better I loved the way you handled that. I know you're the spoken type most of the time but Mari-bug where did that glare came from? Maybe it was from hanging around the Wayne boy that influenced that." Chloe answered.

Just then Mari remembered something.

"I GOTTA CALL MARI!" The dark haired blueberry replied.

"You gotta call yourself? How does that work?" Chloe wondered lost for a bit.

Marinette didn't bother answering and rushed to find her phone. Dialing Damian's number .

"Wow really calling someone but who?" Chloe asked, looking very confused, just then Damian picked up.


Damian was in the middle of trying to calm his niece down since the child was still hyper from the concert. Not that Damian minded but, his little niece did play Marinette's concert on repeat for the last 2-3 hours just to pass the time while waiting for the pop-sensation's call.

That is until his phone rang.

With that one ring the child ran to his uncle Damian's side.

"Is it Auntie Nettie?" she asked voice beaming with excitement.

Damian looked at the caller ID and inwardly smiled seeing the name. Nodding to his niece and answering the phone he couldn't help but feel calm yet nervous.

"Hi angel," Daman blurted out. He really didn't have anything else to say or he just didn't know.

"AUNTIE NETTIEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Mari screamed lightly floating beside his uncle.

Marinette answered on the other end.

"Hello Damian, I'm so sorry that I had called this late. Did I wake Mari?"

'Ouch Damian... so back to name bases ok noted' Damian thought but he did understand that it was he who messed up.

"No, you didn't. She was not willing to head to bed until she had talked to you." Damian replied.

Mari simply tapped her uncle's shoulder wanting to most likely praise Marinette, Damian looked and sighed.

"Speaking of, I'll pass the phone to her now." Damian said as the little girl beside him smiled in delight and excitement.

FALLING:  ANOTHER CHANCE  - A Daminette Fanfic (ON HAITUS)Where stories live. Discover now