Can't Believe I Am Late ~1

Start from the beginning

"Chief Cultivator, I am talking to you. Give me some attention, will you?"

The prince sounded petulant, like a bratty kid demanding a toy.
But Lan Wangji could see the madness lurking behind his eyes. But then something else flickered in the prince's eyes, shocking Lan Wangji.

"Wangzi, you are not yourself right now. This is the curse speaking."

The prince turned towards Lan Xichen, smile taking a menacing edge as he stood in front of him.

"Lan Zhongzhu, who said I am if not myself ?" He made a show of looking himself over, turning towards his men with a confused expression, disregarding the last sentence completely.

"You! Tell me, am I not myself? If no, then whose self I am in? Did I change personalities ?"

The men in question shook their head furiously, not wanting to face the wrath of their master.

"You see Lan Zhongzhu, I am perfectly myself. It's you who isn't yourself, and your dear didi." The prince turned towards Lan Wangji, leaving Lan Xichen's side.

The prince leaned forward, his fingertips just shy of touching. The nails scraped against his soft skin under the jaw and Lan Wangji inhaled sharply.

Too close.

Lan Xichen struggled, but soon realised that his core was locked because of the Ropes and he couldn't break through the Deity Binding Ropes.
A rough hand grabbed his face when Lan Wangji turned his face away.
The action got the prince another glare but the later just smiled darkly.

"Ah Lan Wangji, don't give me that look or I would think you love me!
Your name is kind of interesting, do you know that? It means freedom from worldly possessions, to forget and yet you are a sinner. You remember. "

Lan Wangji flinched like someone slapped him. Outside, his face is blank except the tightness in his jaw and the ice in his eyes, no one could guess the storm going on inside his mind.

"Hit a mark there, didn't I?"

Lan Wangji averted his eyes, even as the grip on his jaw tightened and that preposterous prince's face almost touched his, he remained unmoving.

"Fine, ignore me for now. We will see how long you can keep that façade for!"

The prince turned towards his men who nodded and the Lan brothers watched as many covered boxes were brought into the room.
If not for the precarious situation, Lan Wangji would think the prince had brought political gifts for them; but as the time was, he would be lucky if a blade wasn't hidden underneath those silks.

As the prince uncovered the first box, Lan Wangji saw a glimpse of something moving. Turning towards his captives, the prince smiled gleefully.

"Let's answer a few questions Chief Cultivator, shall we?"

Two sharp intake of breath were the only response to the question.


"Stop! Please, Wangzi! This isn't the correct way to get what you want!"

"Nothing which happens in this room is ever good anyway Lan Xichen. But you," The prince didn't look at the Lan Clan Leader, but the implication was clear. "You do have a nice way out of this."

The prince caressed the smooth skin, his fingers finding sharp jaw and supple cheek. The person in his hold was almost limp, not resisting against the assault.

"Wake him up! Probably he will make the correct choice this time and save all of us some time."

A splash of water and Lan Wangji coughed and spluttered, drenched from head to toe.

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