When Flowers Are In Vases

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Three months. Three months is how long Inko has been going to the hospital directly after work. Three months since the last time Inko had a good night's rest. Three months since she found her son spasming and gasping for air in his sleep. She's never screamed so hard in her life.

Inko knocked on Izuku's door for three minutes now. She wanted to check on him but didn't wanna scare him if he was sleeping so she announced her arrival while slowly opening the door, "Izuku I came to check on yo-" Inko stared at her son for a moment completely frozen as his body was moving out of control. She came back to reality when she heard the strangled, gargling, gasping sounds he was making with his eyes rolled back, "IZUKU!"

She rushed to him as fast as her shaky legs could muster while her fingers fumbled with her phone trying to dial emergency. She was in such a state of panic she almost missed the sound of the person on the other side of the phone asking what her emergency was. She tumbled and stuttered over her words begging them to come right away and saying her baby boy isn't going to make it. That panicked declaration got the paramedics rushing out the parking lot and to her house where they hoisted his sedated body onto a gurney. It took hours after rushing him in to figure out what had happened and how to stabilize him. Now he lay in that hospital bed three months later with no sign of waking up soon.

Inko sat in the uncomfortable chair, leaning forward with her elbows on her knees, and hands crossed over her mouth.

"How did this happen? Who poisoned you? How did someone even get their hands on something as dangerous as a severely fatal toxin?" She mumbled quietly and coldly to herself, "Was this the first time someone tried harming you or presumably their last? Just wake up Izuku. I have too many questions and no answers. Mitsuki is even avoiding my calls now. Did Katsuki have something to do with this? Is that why? Had he ever hurt you before? I know he can be brash when he doesn't agree with things. Was it him? How long had he been torturing you Izuku?"

She tried, again, to call Mitsuki. Unsurprisingly it went straight to voicemail. Inko felt a slowly simmering anger start to bubble up within her. If she won't answer my calls then I'll just go to her house. Kinda hard to avoid someone who's outside your door after all. She thought to herself. Holding onto that thought she stood up, gave her son's hand one more squeeze of affirmation, and marched out the hospital. Inko had her mind set on a mission and no one was going to get in her way.

A/N: yeah I know it's short and a whole week late but it is what it is. I just had to get it out there that this story is NOT over!! Hope you enjoy my future chapters. They will go back to regular length. This one was more of an interlude.
~Kida Out ✌️

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