"When I called her, she faced me and slapped me so hard that I fell down to the ground and cried again. For a ten year old kid, I don't have big pain tolerance so it hurts a lot and my cheeks were very red because of her slap."

"She yelled at me and said:"You're a monster. You killed your own mother. WHY DID YOU DO THAT HUH?  SHE GAVE EVERYTHING TO YOU, SHE LOVED YOU JAKE,  SHE EVEN CALLED ME TO ENSURE YOUR SAFETY BUT YOU KILLED HER? YOU'RE A FUCKING MONSTER. You don't know how much I'm holding myself back from killing you too."

"I just cried and cried because she was dragging me on the floor by pulling my hair. She kicked me everywhere in my body, specially the stomach so I was coughing blood. I was really weak that when I woke up, I was in my room."

Sunghoon heard the older's sobs so he immediately hugged Jake to comfort him. Jake buried his face in Sunghoon's bare chest. He was letting out his emotions.

"I've been asleep for two weeks since my body was weak and exhausted from all the beatings my aunt did to me in the hospital. I saw my body full of bruises, scars and some unhealed wounds. I was feeling kinda better but my head still hurts. I went to the restroom to pee. When I came back, my aunt was inside wandering around my room looking for me."

"There you are you motherfucking bitch."

"She said then hit me with a metal tube she was holding. It hit my arm, back and neck. She also kept hitting my hands with a thick stick and I was screaming, shouting due to so much pain I'm experiencing. I didn't remembered more things she did since the last thing I remembered was I passed out."

"When I woke up, a maid was beside me. She was the most trusted maid of my parents. I asked her everything that happened when I was unconscious. She said that my parents had their funeral a week ago and my aunt is now acting differently. I asked her if she can call Jin hyung for help. He went to me immediately and helped me out. Luckily my aunt wasn't there. I went to my parent's room and took the credit card that my parents told me that it was mine to have and use in case they're not living anymore."

"I was afraid to go back to this house so I went with Jin hyung. I never went to that house since I left it long time ago."

Jake then finished telling his story. Sunghoon sat up and pulled Jake into a much comforting hug. "Don't worry Jake I'm here with you. I'll always be here. If I could kill your aunt I will. I'll even ask more people if they'll come with me to best up that piece of shit." Sunghoon said. "Thank you Sunghoon! I'm lucky to have you a my best friend." Jake said.

Jake was cold but he felt warm in Sunghoon's embrace. Specially he's shirtless, he can feel Sunghoon's body heat. He was hiding his face in Sunghoon's neck. He was inhaling Sunghoon's scent because it's addicting. "Let's sleep now Jake, we've got to report to the headquarters tomorrow. I'll save my questions tomorrow." Sunghoon said. Jake hummed in response and lay down with Sunghoon. The two were hugging each other. Enjoying and melting in their embrace.

The morning came and they woke up very very late. They immediately showered and prepared. They didn't even ate breakfast, haven't combed their hair, and said goodbye to Soobin or even tell him where they're going. Sunghoon drove faster to the headquarters. Jake was fixing his in the car. He also groomed Sunghoon's hair while he's driving.

When they arrived, they sprinted inside and was welcomed with decorations and balloons. "Congrats Jake and Sunghoon for solving the case. We are proud of both of you." The all other detectives said in chorus. The two thanked each and every one of them. They excused their selves to go to Mr. Bang.

"We're sorry Mr. Bang. We're late. We woke up very late. Won't happen again, sorry sir." Jake and Sunghoon said in sync. "Don't be sorry, I understand. You two are tired so I'm giving you two weeks of break. I also want to congratulate both of you for solving the case. I'm proud to both you. Well done!" Mr. Bang said.

The two thanked their president. "You Mag now go. I'm already done talking to both of you. Congratulations again!" Mr. Bang said. "Go ahead Jake. I have to tell Mr. Bang something. "Okay Hoonie. See you later." Jake said then went out. He was on his phone when he bumped into someone. "I-im sorry, I wasn't lookin~  JIN HYUNG!"

"So what is it about you want to talk about me Sunghoon?" Mr. Bang asked confused. "I'm ready now sir. I'm ready to investigate the case if the killings in the amusement park."

       Thoughts about this chapter?

OMG this story will be longer than I expected.

I haven't reread any of the chapters of this story so please ignore some mistakes.

BTW another chapter guys. I hope you enjoyed this. Thank you for reading. Have a good day and stay safe. I shall see you all then in the next chapter.

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