not anymore-

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Timothée's pov

Mia:" this is your home!"

Me:" no its not. Not anymore."

Without a worry, I got in my car and slammed the door shut. The one night I needed her, and she couldn't even show up.

The driving away was what hurt me the most. Having to see her fall to her knees, crying out, in the middle of the road through my rear-view mirror.

My eyes were filled to the brim with tears. I started chewing on my lower lip and my eyes welled up with tears. As I sniffled quietly, tears threatened to spill from my eyes. I mumbled incoherent things through my hands and choked on my sobs. My heart had never hurt this much before.

The worst feeling in the world is doing the best you can, and knowing that is was never good enough. That's what hurt me the most. Loving her had been the best adventure of my life, but now I needed to go and live my own for a while.

Who knows if I'll see her again?

But my pain now cancelled out any hope I had remaining.

As days turned to weeks, I hadn't seen her, talk to her or even heard from her. As I drove past the theatre everyday, it reminded me of our first kiss together Our first dance, our first holding of hands and the first time I realised I was going to love this girl forever.

But times can change. Sometimes, it's not on your account. It's just whether they'd give up the same things you would?

I never stopped loving her, but I was indecisive as to how and what I could possibly do at this point. But I shouldn't be the one to forgive. That's all up to her.

I was going to stay with my parents for a while. I didn't want to stay in the city. It seemed only too easy for her, for if she did Come looking for me.

My room, once again filled with all my old toys, but now unloaded with all my new belongings.

Mia's pov

I'd missed him more than ever. Even much so now, because I knew he wasn't at home waiting for me at the end of the night.

*at my sister's wedding*

The guy she'd married was extremely kind. Though, the only thing that could make me feel slightly better, was him being with me. But now I'm not sure where he is or if he'll even be back. And that feeling stayed for a while.

I was asked to play the piano for their wedding. And of course, I wasn't going to turn it down.

And once again, the first song that came to mind, was our song.

I was applauded for. The feeling was great, but was died down slightly from the constant pain. It just felt nice that others were clapping. but the only person I needed to clap for me was him. He was the only one who mattered.

He been there for me through thick and thin, yet I went and ruined it all. What have I done?

*the next day*

Once again ,left to wake up alone, I heard the phone ring. As I grabbed it from my night stand, I gained hope.

Me:" hello?"

Me:" no not anymore. Why?"

Me:" I will."

I had no choice. I had to find him. So I did what I do best, and drove all night down the motorway just to get to her parents house.

Timothée's pov

Sitting down at the table with mom and dad, brought back some memories. Memories I had forget, but came rushing back like nostalgia.

A noise echoed through the house. It sounded like a car alarm. If this is what I think it is I swear to god.

As I look out the window, there she was. She was being terrorised by the neighbours because she wouldn't turn off the car horn.

Neighbours:" hey! Turn that thing off!"

The neighbour took some from their lawn and hoisted it at her car. I could see her raise her arm, then waving towards me, signalling me to come over.

Me:" why did you come here?"

Mia:" because I have good news."

Me:" what?"

Mia:" Amy Brent, the casting director. She was at your play.....and she loved it. And she loved it so much, that she wants you to go in and audition for this huge movie that she's doing."

My eyes had fixated and locked onto hers like magnets.

Me:" I'm not going to that.....I'm not going to that."

Mia:" what?"

Me:" that would...."

Mia:" I'm sorry?"

Me:" that would kill me."

Mia:" WHAT?!"

Me:" WHAT? What....? Shhhh. Stop."

Mia:" NO!"

me:" have to be quiet. You're gonna walked the neighbours and them they'll call the cops."

Mia:" fine. Then you start making some god damn sense. You're going."

Me:" no I'm not."

Mia:" why not?"

Me:" because......I've been to multiple auditions and the same thing happens everytime. Where they ask me to stop because someone wants a sandwich. Where people but in when I'm halfway through because they're to busy talking over me. Or I'm crying and they start laughing. And then the people in the waiting room, are like me but better looking. Because maybe I'm not good enough-"

ℭ𝔦𝔱𝔶 𝔬𝔣 𝔰𝔱𝔞𝔯𝔰-|𝔱𝔦𝔪𝔬𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔢 𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔩𝔞𝔪𝔢𝔱|Where stories live. Discover now