every moment-

17 2 0

Mia's pov

Every moment was a blessing, every kiss was heavenly and every second I was thankful for.

I dragged timmy to the nearest table after I'd been playing for hours on end at the jazz club.

A man dressed in yellow walked up to the table. The one man I'd avoided for years.


Keith:"come on, bring it in."

Me:"I'm good, a hand shake will do just fine though."

I could see Timmy trying to hide is smile. I knew what his immediate thoughts were.

Me:"Keith this is Timothée, timmy this is Keith."

Keith:"nice to meet you Timothée."

Timothée:"nice to meet you."

Keith:"me and mia used to play together."

Me:" and we used to go to school together."

Keith:" so, how have you been?"

Me:" great! Never been better. How about you?"

Keith:" yeah. Really good. Been very busy. I got a new combo."

Me:" cool."

Keith:" you could give a try you know?"

Me:" are you kidding me?"

Keith:" no, It pays."

Me:" I'm good."

Keith:" well, let's just grab some drinks. It's been to long."

Me:"okay, sure."

Keith:"it was really nice to meet you Timothée."

Timothée:" yeah, you too."

*later on, back at mia's place*

The lights were all switched off.

Timothée:"Hey, I took your advice."

Mia:"which bit?"

Timothée:" I started writing up a script."

Mia:" you did?"

Timothée:" yep."

Mia:" can I hear it?"

He explained the whole thing in full detail with no holding back. The plot was great and then way he was so passionate about it made my heart fall into 'awe'.

Me:"that's genius."

I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him on the lips. he placed his hands on my cheeks. His touch warmed me, it gave me life. The prosperity of having someone there for you when you need them, is the pure awakening showing that you were never alone. You just hadn't met them yet.


Me:" yes."

Timothée:" it feels really nostalgic to me."

Me:" that's the point."

Timothée:" do you think people will like it?"

Me:" I can't contradict. But I think they'll love it, and if they don't then they're mad. If they don't like it 'fuck em'."

Timothée:"you always say that. Also....I made you something?"

Mia:" awww....really? For what?"

Timothée:" for your club."

He picks up his sketch book and hands it to me.

Me:" is that a music note as an apostrophe?"

Timothée:" yeah, I thought it would go well with the theme."

Me:" awww...thank you. Honestly, I can't even tell you how difficult it's been trying to think of a name."

Timothée:" no problem."

His smile lit up the whole room. He made me smile back too.

Timothée:" also? Where are you thinking location wise?"

Me:" the van deek."

Timothée:" it doesn't have to be the van deek."

Me:" it does. I can't let that disappointment of a club, be a part of jazz history."

Timothée:" you can be so difficult sometimes. Did you know that?"

Me:" but you love me for it."

Timothée:" yes, yes I do."

He sits on the edge of them bed and then adjusts himself.

Timothée:" also, who was that guy at the club earlier? The one that offered you the gig?"

Me:" Keith."

Timothée:" why did it seem so awkward between you two?"

Me:" it's always been weird."

Timothée:" He seemed- kinda nice. Are you gonna call him back about the job?"

Me:" no."

Timmy lay down, I pressed my head against his chest.

Timothée:" alright."

Me:" so, here's what we know. The club's gonna be called mia's with the music note apostrophe. And....your play is gonna be a triumph."

Timothée:"you really think so?"

Me:" I don't think so, I know so."

Timothée:" you're literally quoting yourself."

Me:" I am not."

Timothée:" are too. You said the same thing before I got that call back."

Me:" oh yeah. I guess I did quote myself."

We both laughed at the thought that I could possibly quote myself. I don't know why? But, I could see myself having a future with him. I didn't care how long we'd been together. I just cared about this moment. The moment right now. The moment, the day I fell in love with him.

Timothée:" I love you."

Me:" I love you too."

ℭ𝔦𝔱𝔶 𝔬𝔣 𝔰𝔱𝔞𝔯𝔰-|𝔱𝔦𝔪𝔬𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔢 𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔩𝔞𝔪𝔢𝔱|Where stories live. Discover now