The past that comes to haunt you

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If that's your variant of the story. And let's not forget that i shot him after you stole my identity!


Because your bosses wanted to destroy San Francisco!I had to stop them!



Natasha :

I'm not!

Yes, you are!


You are jealous I was the best in the Red Room! Copycat!

And that Madame B. loved me more.


Pff, the best?

Maybe in your generation, old lady!


I'm just 3 years older.

It's late. What do you want?


I know it's late. This is why I text you now. In Moscow it's 11:30 am. But in New York...


Are you getting to the point or...

I texted you, so you know I'm desperated.

And i think this will interest you too.

Have you been to the Bolshoi, on the stage, dancing on the <<The Nutcracker >> in 1946?

Natasha :

Yelena, don't waste my time. I want to sleep after a party and i don't know who's the drunk one. You or me? How the fuck i would dance at the Bolshoi in 1946, when i was born in 1984?


I hoped you could tell me, actually.

Because, apparently, you danced there with a friend . I was there too.

Bye, Yelena.



Aren't you curious?

How is it possible? Why don't we remember nothing about it?

Listen! I know we are not in the best relations... but I need your help. I can't do it alone.

That's it. I said it!

The Red Room took so much from me . My innocence, my family.. I want to know what else they took.

You don't?


Let's say I believe you and everything you said it's not madness. How did you come with the conclusion that we danced at the Bolshoi in 1946?


Didn't you fight aliens? Madness is still a thing for you?Anyway, 4 months ago I had a mission at the Bolshoi. Sorry for locking you there, by the way.


Wait? That was you?


I said sorry,ok.

I like the new Matteo more.


I was sent to kill the prima ballerina and i ended up in the ballet director's office.... and her body too.

I got bored so i started looking in his drawers and found the file that had your photo and mine, plus information that we danced on the stage. You were even the prima ballerina of that time.

Since then i got the feeling that something is missing...

You didn't?


You are still there?

Don't tell me you fall asleep!


I have a few more questions.


So, you are in?


For who do you work for?

How much will take the whole mystery hunt?


Hydra. I thought you do too. This was one more reason to ask you to help me.


So, Hydra still exists? The word war 2 octopus nazis?


Yeah, they like to say that you cut one head and 2 appear? Something like that. I don't play attention at the meetings. Not paid enough to.


Why would you think i work for them?


Well, i was bored during a meeting and i walked through the base. And i ended up in an office! I looked in some drawers..... short story:they have your file in a folder named <<Schlange>>.It looks like you are part of the project.

The right number that reunited usOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz