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Hyunjin was the first one to arrive at his grandma's place.

He left the door open for his friends to come in without any problem.

"Yo! We here" Changbin yelled as he entered the house with Felix, jeongin and chan following him.

"You all came together? Perfect!" Hyunjin hugged all 4 of them one after another.

"Yeah, I thought I should pick them up" chan said, smiling.

"Ooohhh keep the gifts there" hyunjin directed them inside and showed them the table where they were supposed to keep the gifts they brought for the birthday boy.

They all were now seated on one of the huge couches in the hall, waiting for the others to arrive.

"It's already 8 15.. where are they?" Hyunjin checked his watch.

Just when hyunjin was about to text in the group chat, he heard the front door open. "Uh... is anybody here?" They recognised the voice to be seungmin's.

"Hyung, we're here!" Jeongin yelled in order for Seungmin to hear them.

Seungmin joined them and kept the gift where the other gifts were kept.

"It's 8 24 already.. that's it! I'm calling Minho" hyunjin called Minho who immediately picked his call up as if he was waiting to receive a call.


"Yo my ass. Where the fuck are you and jisung?"

"No no. How am I supposed to know about Sung"

"I don't know he said you were picking him up?"

"True. He's with me. We're on our way don't worry"

"Be quick or else we're starting the delicious dinner I brought without you whores"

"No! We are just 10 second away i promise!" The voice belonged to jisung.

"Whatever bye"


Soon after about 10 more minutes jisung and Minho arrived at the place and the boys started the dinner.

"I'm going to die" Jeongin said, hands on his stomach.

"You shouldn't have eaten that much" chan said, looking concerned for his friend.

"No no. I'm ok" he reassured the older.

"Thanks for the meal hwang. It was delicious" Seungmin smiled for the first time ever since he arrived.

"My dear bros! KIM SEUNGMIN SMILED!!" Hyunjin dramatically tapped the table making some drum noises as jisung and Felix joined him and started dancing.

Seungmin rolled his eyes, annoyed and embarrassed by his friends' actions. "The meal was good and all. But I'm hella bored now" Minho said.

"Ok same!" Jisung agreed.

"Ooohhh I planned something. This amazing. World class. Out of this universe. Best of the best game!" Everybody's attention was now fixated on the birthday boy as he explained the game he had apparently planned.

"TRUTH OR DARE" he heard everyday sigh and shake their head in defeat and annoyance.


What are your favourite party games? (If anyone is reading)

Also like.. I'm late and all but CHRISTMAS EVEL IS A BOP 🤞🏽🤞🏽😭😭💃💃

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