Slowly looking up, I saw my dad blankly staring at me.

"I'm sorry-"

"I'm sorry-"

We both say on the same time.

"I'm so sorry pumpkin, I didn't know he was the one who helped you. But what were you doing with him, didn't I tell you to stay away from such boys...he's a bad influence on you. He just wants to take advantage of you because you're so naive. You're so sweet and small, I know such kind of boys. They just use girls like tissue papers. They are disgusting, Pumpkin, try to understand please..", Dad said looking at me hopefully but his words only made me more upset and angry.

"Are you trying to ask for forgiveness or make me more angry! How many times should I tell you Dad, Damien is not a bad person. He always helps and takes care of me. I like him and you should too." I replied angrily as I fisted my hands tightly to control my angry.

I don't know what came upon me, today was the first time I raised my voice against my Dad but hearing Dad speak bad about Dami...I-I just couldn't handle it.

"Please go, Dad. Please, leave me alone...both of you." I finally said as I look up at my Dad only to see him staring at me with shocked and....worry?

"For now....Please, go for now, we'll talk tomorrow....My head is paining.", I quickly said to calm them down a bit.

"But sweetie, how can we leave you alone here in this hospital... atleast let me stay.", My mom asked, but I instantly denied it.

I'm not in the right space of mind now, I just wanted a bit of space and time to think about everything. Also I don't know what else I'll say if they remain here.

So, I convinced them to go home and come meet me tomorrow, which is also my discharge date, guess my freedom won't last too long...


It was 2 at night, and I still couldn't a wink of sleep.

The doctor said I was fine, but wanted to do a brain X-ray before I'm discharge tomorrow afternoon, just to check if everything is okay as I fell directly on my head.

But that's not what's bothering me, I just can't stop thinking about Dami...Is he alright? Did he eat his food? Is he crying? What do I tell him the next time we meet?

This all constant thinking, wasn't letting me relax even for a second.

Why do I miss him so much??

Why do I even care if he ate food or not?

I'm seriously going crazy!

I have literally tried everything, from switching from one T.V channel to another to stop my thoughts, to counting the stars from the window, which honestly in this pollution, isn't visible.

And when my thoughts finally stop, and I fortunately got some sweet sleep...but that didn't last too long as I wake up to some weird sounds coming from outside the window.

Staring at the window as my heart beat rises in fear, I wait for a few more seconds, but I don't hear anything anymore.

I guess I was dreaming.

Ofcourse I was dreaming, which murderer in his sane mind would come to murder people in the hospital who are already dying.

Thank Goodness, it was just a dream!

But before I could close my eyes again, I heard the same creaking sound again.


I try to reach the emergency button in my room, but I couldn't reach it, the pain in my head was so bad that I couldn't sit up or do anything.

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